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Reviews For Chasing Ginny Weasley by Cera

Friday 24th August 2007 15:09
Chasing Ginny Weasley
I like fluff also, and there for I loved this story.
Saturday 16th June 2007 09:25
Chasing Ginny Weasley
Again, great descriptions. Loved it.
Lily Flower
Wednesday 21st February 2007 15:41
Chasing Ginny Weasley
Oh my goodness I really like this one. Hehe very cute and fluffy but in a good way. And I like fluff. It's good. Go Harry! He is no longer slow...for now. lol

Sunday 4th March 2007 21:33Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed. It's one of my first, and it gave me a good laugh while I wrote it.
Monday 11th December 2006 14:21
Chasing Ginny Weasley
Dear Merlin, I've killed her.

I laughed out loud at this point and so many others "get velcro"...classic and perfect. Amazing job!
Sunday 4th March 2007 21:33Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Laughter a great compliment! Thanks!
Saturday 20th August 2005 04:37
Chasing Ginny Weasley
Cera that is really good are you going to do more to follow on with that because I hope so.
Wednesday 28th September 2005 17:01Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thanks for the review.  I can't say if there will be more, I guess we'll see :)
Wednesday 17th August 2005 09:03
Chasing Ginny Weasley
Ok, usually fluffy stories annoy me but this was PERFECT!! I loooovve this. I think Hermione's contribution is awesome, exactly how I imagined it and this story just makes me want to scream with excitement. I love the little humorous comments in between, they're perfect. Great job, this was amazing!
Wednesday 28th September 2005 17:02Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Wow, thanks so much for the kind words!
Thursday 11th August 2005 17:57
Chasing Ginny Weasley

AWWW that was really cute!!!! I love ot especially how you put the title as the last line

great job, keep writing, and Plez write back


Wednesday 28th September 2005 17:02Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thanks.  I wrote the story and was then stuck on the title.  My friend suggested the last line as the title, so I'm glad that it worked out well. :)
Wednesday 10th August 2005 17:09
Chasing Ginny Weasley
Really, nice....I love it
Wednesday 28th September 2005 17:03Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thank you :)
Saturday 6th August 2005 11:42
Chasing Ginny Weasley

Completely fantastic. Really. Fluffy, sure, but who does not need a little bit of fluff in their life? Harry was spot on the obsessive Ginny loving Harry we saw in HBP. Hermione subtle hints were funny and typically Hermione and it was also sort of cute how Ron got embarassed too. Sort of kills two birds with one stone, huh?

I find myself moving towards her, I think there's some kind of gravitational pull.  It's as if she's the sun, and I'm the earth, getting pulled closer and closer...

Wow, I'm deep.

Suddenly, I'm falling.  I look down to see my shoelaces tangled around my feet.  Bloody laces!

Note to self - get some Velcro.

It's a long quote, and my apologizes, but it deserves to be quoted! So funny, Harry's inner monolouge was so funny. Wonderful story. Loved it!

Wednesday 28th September 2005 17:04Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thanks so much! :)  Comedy is tricky, so I'm happy that it was effective.
Saturday 6th August 2005 06:32
Chasing Ginny Weasley
"Dear Merlin, I've killed her. " HAHA!!! hilarious! loved it. haha. that was really great!! haha
Wednesday 28th September 2005 17:05Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thanks.  That's a popular line :)
Friday 5th August 2005 15:10
Chasing Ginny Weasley
I loved this when I read it way back when, and I still love it. Great job Sarah.
Thursday 4th August 2005 23:38
Chasing Ginny Weasley
Very cute and nicely done.
Wednesday 28th September 2005 17:04Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thank you :)
Thursday 4th August 2005 09:01
Chasing Ginny Weasley

I am amazed that no one else has commented on how close to canon you came with this!  Do you have seer blood?  Job well done!

Wednesday 28th September 2005 17:09Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Seer blood... I wish!  Thanks for the kind review :)
Wednesday 3rd August 2005 02:07
Chasing Ginny Weasley

* sigh! * i love fluff!!!  yey for / !!!

Wednesday 3rd August 2005 08:20Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Yey indeed!  Thanks.
Tuesday 2nd August 2005 17:59
Chasing Ginny Weasley

Wow!!!  This was good!  No, it was brilliant!!!


Wednesday 3rd August 2005 08:19Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Tuesday 2nd August 2005 16:16
Chasing Ginny Weasley
Lol. Aw, this was a really good fic! I was laughing a lot. I think my favorite part was:

"That's funny, since when is there a second wall on the other side of the entrance? 

I look down and see the crumpled form of one Miss Ginny Weasley at my feet.

Dear Merlin, I've killed her."

Wow. I think that and "Like I care about a stupid book." Anyways, great fic, hope to see more like these!

Wednesday 3rd August 2005 08:18Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thanks for the review.  I'm not sure I can write anything else like this, but I guess we'll see. :)
Tuesday 2nd August 2005 13:17
Chasing Ginny Weasley

Okay...this is just too darn cute!  I love it.  There were several lines that had me laughing out loud.  I particularly like:


Brilliant.  Next time, let's try for two words.

Great job, Cera!


Wednesday 3rd August 2005 08:10Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thanks for the review, Susan.  Laugher is the best compliment.
Tuesday 2nd August 2005 06:54
Chasing Ginny Weasley
"Dear Merlin, I've killed her. She groans. Good, she's not dead." This has to be one of the funniest lines I've ever read. I laughed and awed all the way through this story.

I really feel bad now because I've read all your stories before but I'm not a very good reviewer. I'll try to do better. I'm going back and rereading and reviewing all of them. I hope that will make up for it.
Wednesday 3rd August 2005 08:09Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)

No worries about the reviews... you've more than made up for it lately, which I appreciate. 

I think that line is the one people like the most.  Personally, I'm not sure which is my favourite.  Maybe I'll have to have another read and see.

Monday 1st August 2005 23:02
Chasing Ginny Weasley
oooh its juicy! make a sequel!
Wednesday 3rd August 2005 08:00Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
LOL.  I'll think about  it... but no promises.
Monday 1st August 2005 08:40
Chasing Ginny Weasley
 I love it!
 I was really impressed well done! I love all the bits in Harry's head- he is so sweet and clueless!lol well done, keep up the great work!

Wednesday 3rd August 2005 07:59Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thanks, Rose!  I appreciate the nice words. :)
Monday 1st August 2005 05:17
Chasing Ginny Weasley
Might just be plain fluffy, but its fluff in a good way! Nice story
Wednesday 3rd August 2005 07:53Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thanks a bunch!
Monday 1st August 2005 01:34
Chasing Ginny Weasley
Lol. Great job! This really made me laugh... a lot.
Wednesday 3rd August 2005 07:51Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)

It has been successful then... thanks!

Tuesday 5th July 2005 08:33
Chasing Ginny Weasley

I know I've read this before, not sure if I've reviewed. Anyway -  this was very sweet.  I hold you responsible for the very silly grin on my face, and for the warm feeling of gush in my tummy. *sighs happily*

Wednesday 3rd August 2005 07:50Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thanks so much!  It always makes me happy to read, too, so I'm glad it does its job.
robbie cupcake-girl
Friday 24th June 2005 00:23
Chasing Ginny Weasley

Yep. I love this.

I really love all the one liners. Especially, "Dear Merlin, I've killed her. "

That is unladylike snort worthy. This whole story was.


Wednesday 3rd August 2005 07:49Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Unladylike snort worthy!  I love that.  Thanks for the high compliment.
Friday 10th June 2005 10:50
Chasing Ginny Weasley

Lovely fluff.  Mmmmm lovely fluff.

I adore the play by play analysis running through Harry's thoughts that we're privy to seeing.  Lovely kisses.  No tears.  sigh.

Sunday 12th June 2005 20:03Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)

Thanks, Tante. 

Fluff can be such a great thing sometimes, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Saturday 4th June 2005 13:04
Chasing Ginny Weasley
I kind of like this lost puppy in love Harry.  I loved how Ron thought Hermione was talking about him, not Harry--and how she was so stupid.  Because even smart people say stupid things sometimes.  You do Harry's inner dialogue well.  Nice job handling a fluffy bit of fun.
Sunday 12th June 2005 20:06Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thanks, Kelley.  This was the most fun I've ever had writing, so I'm glad that people can appreciate my somewhat weird-at-times humour.
Wednesday 1st June 2005 13:00
Chasing Ginny Weasley

 Man. This just keeps getting funnier and funnier. I love the way you portrayed Harry here.So good!

My knees suddenly buckle, but I right myself before she can notice.  I can feel myself leaning towards her.  I frantically try to counter the action, but it's of no use.

Cracks me up every time, it makes me imagine him waving his arms and looking all panicked and scared. It's just hilarious.

I hate Snape. It's a great opening line. Love it, definitely my favourite one shot of yours. I'd love to see the sequel some day... maybe. Not that I know for sure that one exists in your head or something...  

Sunday 12th June 2005 20:05Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Ah, Katie dear.  That sequel is still about half finished... same as it was months ago.  Thanks for the stellar review, and the prod there.  I'll think about it. ;)
Thursday 21st April 2005 19:24
Chasing Ginny Weasley
"Note to self - get some Velcro."  I loved it very funny!  Velcro is a costumers best friend.  Very funny story though!
Sunday 12th June 2005 20:04Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Somehow I missed replying to this review... sorry about that.  And thanks so much for taking the time to tell me you like it. :)
Saturday 12th March 2005 23:26
Chasing Ginny Weasley
I loved this!!!!!!  You are very talented!
Sunday 13th March 2005 19:50Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thank you!
Saturday 20th November 2004 19:57
Chasing Ginny Weasley

Women are so wicked! all those charms they have, a smile, flip of the hair, biting lower lip, flashing their eyes and then smiling that grin, then dont forget the big one, their walk away from you when they want you to notice, hips where did they get those hip!   arrrgh.......



Wednesday 24th November 2004 10:56Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)

Hehe.  We can be sneaky, can't we? 

Thanks so much for the review!

Saturday 23rd October 2004 19:35
Chasing Ginny Weasley
*grins* Cute.
Saturday 23rd October 2004 19:35Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)
Thank you.
Wild Magelet
Wednesday 29th September 2004 06:26
Chasing Ginny Weasley

I happen to love fluff. I really like this. Especially poor nervous Harry with sweaty hands. Always much cuter than an arrogant Harry. And "Dear Merlin, I've killed her." Very Harry-ish reaction, it made me smile. Great fic!

Wednesday 29th September 2004 06:26Chasing Ginny Weasley (Author Response)

Thank you so much for the review (and sorry that my reply is so delayed).

Fluff is wonderful.  I love it when teenagers are bumbly and nervous about relationships... it's cute.