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Reviews For She Closed Her Eyes by Bekken

Sunday 15th July 2007 07:52
She Closed Her Eyes
I can't say I enjoyed it, I can say you got it right in some way. I just don't like reading story's like this, having go threw this.
Wednesday 22nd September 2004 21:40
She Closed Her Eyes
I found your story by chance and read, its beautiful and so painful- the emotions are so raw and deep. You have catured their love, a love only few are lucky enough to know. I think of Harry and Ginny's love being like this- but hoping for a peace thay both have fought for a win- sometimes we win to loose everything. I have seen this love first hand and know what it does and what it takes to express- I'm sure many know this loss. I fear Harry and Ginny will have a tragic ending -but I always hope for a sunrise . Congratulations this is a very good story- perhaps it was to raw for others to review, but I think it may have been harder to write. --H/G Forever