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Reviews For Alpha and Omega by Imogen

Tuesday 29th January 2008 13:21
Alpha and Omega
"Well, let me see," Harry leaned back again, pulling her in closely to him. "I expect you'll have a new book of Muggle poems by then, and I won't have any socks left at all."
loved that line and i love how ginny already stole all of harry's socks :p
i wonder whats going on with ron and hermonie...
uh oh whats going on now with the killings :S
Sunday 3rd December 2006 20:44
Alpha and Omega
Loved the river scene. Very funny. And wow. What has beed going on??
Saturday 1st April 2006 07:47
Alpha and Omega
"I just want to be with you," he said simply, smiling at her. "Nothing else matters."- Very Lloyd Dobbler (from 'Say Anything') Loved that. Oh, and I love that poem, we read it in English class this year.

Nice balance of a fun, sweet beginning and a slightly more somber end...

and I REALLY want to know what Ron wrote Hermione a letter about.