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Reviews For The Vaults of South Bridge by Archimedes

Sunday 30th November 2008 15:41
The Vaults of South Bridge
This is really good! I like the idea of James coming back as a ghost. I also think that the way the story is narrated by Remus is interesting and effective. Where is the next chapter?
Tuesday 19th July 2005 11:33
The Vaults of South Bridge
I've always thought South Bridge inspired JK in bits of her story.  It's very close to Nicholsons where so much of the early books were written.  I've done the tours through the old 'vaults' under that bridge and they are supposedly quite haunted.  I will follow this story with interest!
Mandy Croyance
Monday 2nd May 2005 16:10
The Vaults of South Bridge

No reviews? What happened? Was this reformated for did I read this originally on another site?

Well then, let me be the first to commend this story. When I doubted it would have the 'under 20 reviews' qualification to recommend it for story of the week, which was my intention. I thought I'd check however and was astounded by what I found.

I think this story is completely divine. It's unfortunate you've not finished it. Where is the next chapter? I love the idea of the lonely ghosts of Lily and James Potter residing in that famous bridge. It's an interesting interpretation too. We all know Myrtle remained where she was killed, but was Sir Nick beheaded at hogwarts? Did the Fat Friar, the Grey Lady and the Bloody Baron all loose their lives in that school? Probably not. So why then would Lily and Jamese be wont to remain at Godric's Hollow?

The potential of something great is here. Do not squander it. Finish this tale swiftly s.v.p.
