Stories by MajickStory: The Essence Divided Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-DH Status: WIP Reviews: 118 Words: 83,022 Summary: For Harry Potter, it's all about trust. He doesn't trust the Ministry to do what's right, he doesn't trust the Order when it trusted Severus Snape, and he doesn't trust himself to be around Ginny Weasley. Now Harry, Ron and Hermione must travel far and wide in their quest to destroy Tom Riddle's Horcruxes - before Harry faces the now-Lord Voldemort in his attempt to create a world where he can trust, and just maybe love, without having to worry who might die if he makes a mistake. Story: The Dementors' Kiss Rating: Young Teens Setting: Pre-OotP Status: Completed Reviews: 69 Words: 54,957 Summary: Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts for his fifth year of schooling having witnessed the resurrection of the most powerful Dark wizard ever known. Now the wizarding world is on the brink of war and the Dementors are free to strike at will. When darkness falls, does Harry have the courage to seek the light that can only be found within the heart? Story: ...Something for the Weekend Rating: Mature Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 70 Words: 9,331 Summary: There comes a time in every relationship when the couple decide to take things further. When Harry and Ron decide to celebrate their anniversaries in a very special way, the decision over who gets their flat for the night is only the start of their troubles... Story: A Brother's Point of View Rating: Young Teens Setting: Pre-OotP Status: Completed Reviews: 31 Words: 6,102 Summary: Ginny Weasley and her brothers have a hectic life both at Hogwarts and outside in the wizarding world. This series of vignettes follow Ginny's growth from the baby of the family to a maturing young woman, and the way she interacts with her older brothers along the way. Story: Amazing Valentine Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 20 Words: 2,830 Summary: Ron is going all out to make sure Hermione's Valentine's Day is memorable for all the right reasons, but at the very last moment it seems as though he's been beaten to Hermione's affections by someone else. Story: An Absence Of Vegetables Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 107 Words: 2,353 Summary: Harry gets a chance to enjoy a summer day and Ron decides to join him. Armed with a bag of Jelly Slugs, our heroes venture into dangerous territory: girls. Story: Ginderella Rating: Teens Setting: AU Status: Completed Reviews: 88 Words: 13,500 Summary: Poor Ginny Snape. Quite apart from having the daftest name in the history of the world, she's got a cruel step-father, two evil stepsisters and a bad case of unrequited love for Harry Potter, The Prince Who Lived. Even worse, she's still got her Potions essay to write, and it's already twenty-five past thirty-two in the Hogwarts kitchens. Oh, yeah, and she's just been assigned the two most incompetent fairy godmothers in the history of the profession, at least one of whom is more concerned with political correctness than actually getting the job done and bringing about the bliss that is Twue Wuv. Killer high heels! The curse of the toad! A thousand elephants! All this and much, much more, once upon a time... Story: Hallelujah Rating: Teens Status: Completed Reviews: 51 Words: 6,267 Summary: The war is over, and Remus can't help but remember something that Sirius once suggested. All he needs is to get rid of a houseful of Weasleys without compromising his own love life, and then make it to the cinema on time. How hard can that be? Story: I Can Read You Like A... Rating: Young Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 41 Words: 11,555 Summary: They say that there's two sides to every story, but when Ron and Hermione have a row, Harry develops a crush and Ginny gets in a mood to push people out of trees, it might be more accurate to say this story has four sides. Sometimes seeing another side of things can be just what you need... Story: I Needed a Friend Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 18 Words: 2,086 Summary: Sometimes the good die young. Sometimes those who deserve a happy ending don't get it. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do... After the final battle, one young man struggles to come to terms with the loss he's suffered. Story: It's Just So... Rating: Young Teens Status: Completed Reviews: 29 Words: 9,029 Summary: Ron Weasley is not having a great week. First, he had to watch his sister get together with his best friend. And now he's worried that Seamus is going after Hermione. It seems the only chance that he has of getting on Hermione's good side is joining S.P.E.W. for the night. Meanwhile, Harry and Ginny just want to have some time alone, but if it's not Snape and Filch interrupting, then it's Dobby and Winky... A tale so epic, it takes four people to tell! Story: The Final Battle Rating: Teens Status: Completed Reviews: 18 Words: 8,686 Summary: It comes to this: Voldemort has captured Ron, Ginny and Hermione. The Death Eaters are launching massive strikes across the country. The Ministry of Magic has become a safe-haven for the forces of darkness. And into all this steps Harry Potter, accompanied by two men who each bear the Dark Mark: Theodore Nott and Percy Weasley. Voldemort has made Harry's closest friends his prisoners. Voldemort has untold numbers of Death Eaters at his command. Voldemort has chosen the battlefield. Harry... has a power that Voldemort knows not. Based on Harry's sixth year as told in The Knights Of Walpurgis, this is The Final Battle, the last time that Harry Potter will face Lord Voldemort. This time, only one wizard will emerge from the fight alive. Story: The Knights of Walpurgis Rating: Young Teens Status: Completed Reviews: 323 Words: 195,491 Summary: Occlumency, portentous dreams, Quidditch, plenty of hormones and deadly attacks. As Harry Potter enters his sixth year at Hogwarts, the new war is beginning to take shape. As Voldemort's Death Eaters strike fear into Muggle communities, Harry feels lost and alone without Sirius to guide him and there is increasing dissension in the Hogwarts houses. As he struggles to come to terms with what Fate has in store for him, Harry must find a way to rise above his grief and unite the students. The problem is, the cause for the dissension is none other than Harry himself... Story: Touched Rating: Young Teens Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 18 Words: 4,076 Summary: Lessons can be learned at any time, and in any way. As Harry supports Hermione and Ron through their most difficult challenge, he is given the chance to learn about himself - who he has become, and who he wants to be in the future. Story: The Night Before Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 59 Words: 5,942 Summary: On the eve of Harry and Ginny's wedding, Molly Floos her husband with some troublesome news. Can Arthur, Remus and the Weasley boys cope with the possibility of giving Harry... The Talk? Story: Only One Possible Outcome Rating: Everyone Setting: AU Status: Completed Reviews: 24 Words: 11,225 Summary: When Lily accidentally breaks Peter Pettigrew's heart, Sirius and Remus see a fine opportunity for a prank. But when James refuses to help his friends, things don't quite go according to plan. Story: Pine or Oak Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 38 Words: 7,508 Summary: When Hermione catches a cold, she deputises her two best friends to buy furniture for her and Ron's new house. Problem is, Ginny and Harry hate each other's guts... Story: The Other Side Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-OotP Status: Completed Reviews: 23 Words: 3,606 Summary: Once, before his wedding, Harry was nearly given a talk on the facts of life by the Weasleys. Now it's Harry's turn to give The Talk - to his teenaged daughter... Story: Home of the Cannons Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-OotP Status: Completed Reviews: 11 Words: 3,656 Summary: For Ron, a lifetime dream is about to come true: The Cannons might win the Cup! For Harry, the end of the war has done nothing to bring his dreams closer to being a reality. Story: I Now Pronounce You... Rating: Young Teens Setting: Pre-OotP Status: Completed Reviews: 130 Words: 8,372 Summary: A wedding brings inevitable drama, and two weddings at least doubles that. When the weddings are those of war heroes Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, you can be sure that there'll be stories to tell. Four of them, in fact... Story: I Suppose It's a Twin Thing Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-OotP Status: Completed Reviews: 37 Words: 8,473 Summary: When Oliver Wood finishes Hogwarts, he leaves behind a championship-winning Quidditch team brimming over with success, hormones and talent... Wait a second, hormones? A Fourway story set in the run up to the Yule Ball in GoF and starring Fred and George Weasley. Story: One Year Later Rating: Teens Status: Completed Reviews: 55 Words: 18,898 Summary: Nothing has quite gone according to plan for Harry and his friends recently. How have Harry and Hermione ended up living together? When did Padma move into Ron's flat? Why won't Ginny's boyfriend buy a carpet? And just who on earth is Tatiana Blanc? Story: Plenty of George Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 11 Words: 3,039 Summary: For some people, the Weasley twins can be quite overwhelming, but there are those who say that getting one on his own is very rewarding indeed. When George Weasley goes to the Yule Ball, he sets in motion a chain of events every bit as unpredictable as him and Fred at their chaotic best. Story: Sleeping Bonesy Rating: Teens Setting: AU Status: Completed Reviews: 15 Words: 18,530 Summary: The fame of international godmothering company One Wish, Inc. has spread far and wide, and it all began with their involvement with King Bones the First. Now the time has come for Princess Susan to be christened, and twelve invites have been sent out to the godparents. Yes, twelve. What do you mean, there's thirteen of them? Oh dear... Story: So...The Next Morning Rating: Young Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 20 Words: 3,295 Summary: Hermione and Ron panic, Harry and Ginny despair, no-one gets very much sleep and all may be lost. The 'missing chapter' from the end of It's Just So... |