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Reviews For With All My Love by Lady Chi

Sunday 29th April 2007 15:12
With All My Love
Lily is a really nice girl. It is good that she is trying to build Peter's self-esteem. It is really too bad that Peter is so weak. The exchange with the other boys was good. Peter is making a huge mistake. Especially now that he realizes that these are Death eater wannabes. He really shouldn't be with this group. I guess this is where it all started to go downhill for him. I look forward to the rest of the story. Thanks for writing. p
Sunday 18th June 2006 16:27
With All My Love
Uh-oh. I do really feel sorry for him! I'm kinda surprised. Good job!

Lily and James...woot.
Wednesday 23rd February 2005 22:06
With All My Love

Awesome fic and you've managed to incorporate peter's subtle downfall into a marauder fic very nicely indeed. Cheers!

Most fics that I've read only zoom in on one or two of the marauder, but you seem to tell each ones story, which is just brilliant.

 you rock!


Mr. Intel
Thursday 23rd September 2004 18:01
With All My Love
Peter finally cooperated, eh?  Good for him.  You've done a bang-up job with him here and I'm glad to see that he's not immediately evil, like so often happens in the fan-fic world.  The James/Lily angle is getting more interesting and I'm quite interested in seeing where that goes.  Juggling two important plot lines isn't always fun, but when you can pull it off, it makes the story that much more meaningful.

Well done.
Bring and Fly
Thursday 23rd September 2004 06:02
With All My Love

 Oooh Goody! More of this excellent story! I have been following all the turns and twists and was starting to think you had 'done a Jo' on us!

What do I like about this? Many things. The characterisation of the figures, the building up of the past from the little we know. If I were to go on any more it would be too much so I'll just say  and leave it at that!