critmo Monday 12th December 2005 08:12 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
Why believe people that Harry stole Susan from Ernie when she's more or less vanished from the picture? |
Aaran St Vines Friday 29th April 2005 07:57 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
Terrific - I have always felt that a few Slytherins should break ranks with Malfoy. You've picked my most likely and least likely (after Crabbe and Goyle). |
Sunday 1st May 2005 12:55 | The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response) |
I reckon that Malfoy keeps the girls on a tight leash. Would Nott be
the least likely? He's the son of a Death Eater, after all, but the
hints dropped in OotP suggest an interesting character... Both boys
have justification for joining up, though, which we'll see in detail as
the story unfolds.
Thanks for the review!
Hoss Thursday 28th April 2005 09:42 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
Good stuff |
Friday 29th April 2005 06:50 | The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response) |
Thanks! |
DailyProphetReporting Wednesday 27th April 2005 00:32 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
I finally found time to catch up on your story and I'm still liking
what I'm seeing. You've taken romantic character development to an
entirely new level.
There's obviously nothing new about the school-turns-against-Harry plot
device, but I can't say that I've seen it based on Harry being
perceived as a playboy too often. Talk about popular misconception!
It's well done though; there's nothing like romantic intrigue to break
up the loyalty .
On a side note, I'm left to wonder whether the widespread belief that
Harry's with Susan is going to foster their relation or keep it from
developing further. I'm starting to think that whole sideline
might have been a ruse (Harry's deep feelings for her being clear in
this line about the kiss on the cheek: "he didn't want her to feel any worse about it.") to get us readers think the same way the school is now. But either way, it's definitely intriguing.
And while I'm pondering, there's also Malfoy. I can't tell if he's
helping foster the rumors, moving Nott and Zabini in the DA as plants,
both, or if his vowed revenge has even started yet. That's also a
promising angle too.
Elsewhere, I really like how you completely defy the Super!Harry trend
that seems to be making the rounds. As enjoyable as fics like This
Means War and Letters of Summer might be, it seems so much more
realistic to have Harry really struggling to improve his skills as
you've thrown him into training that really should be beyond in him
based on what we know in canon. And it's not like he had the best luck
picking up advanced skills in OotP.
Anyway, I'm still enjoying your story whenever I have the time to read it. Good job!
Friday 29th April 2005 06:49 | The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response) |
Harry's just a bit rubbish at schoolwork, really, and while he will become more powerful as a result of his lessons with Marchbanks, it will take time - he's not going to be ready for Voldemort at the end of the year. Bit of a shame that, because...
Malfoy, however, is more than ready for Harry. What with one thing and another, the coming months are going to be a real test of how far Malfoy can push before Harry pushes back.
Are Nott and Zabini plants? Maybe. But plants where?
As for the romance, well, teenagers tend to have a few failed relationships... Pity Susan, though, stuck with Mr. Famous and all the attendant rubbish that goes with it. Can she cope?
Thanks for the review! |
Sherbert Tuesday 26th April 2005 14:47 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
Whoops - I forgot about Dean. And looks like Ginny may have as ell - what problems are they having? I like the training schemes - hopefully Harry will get better at them at some point. I like Bill's encouragement though and I hope we hear the story about Bills training with Marchbanks and who droped out. I think it's a shame that Harry still has problems with Sumbledore although I think this is very much in Cannon. Hopefully at some point their relationship will start to be repaired. Next chapter soon please. |
Friday 29th April 2005 06:45 | The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response) |
Ginny and Dean are realising that two nice people don't always make for one nice couple.
As for who dropped out of the training... Well, you'll see him in a later chapter or two.
Dumbledore and Harry will become better around one another, as time goes on, but having him in his head twice a week isn't helping Harry. |
dophingirl79 Tuesday 26th April 2005 10:41 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
hmm slytherins in the club, this should be very intresting and Harry with 3 women. lol. sounds like he has his hands full. keep up the good work. |
Friday 29th April 2005 06:44 | The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response) |
We all should have Harry's problems |
snowbear96 Monday 25th April 2005 12:55 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
Hey cool, Slytherin's in the HA! |
Friday 29th April 2005 06:28 | The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response) |
Had to happen eventually
Thanks for the review! |
dibberne Monday 25th April 2005 12:02 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
Poor Harry - it seems like his reputation is on a constant roller coaster! I enjoyed the last scene. It will be interesting to see if more and more Slytherins take the place of some of the "lost" R and H's. Is Harry really doing as badly with Madame Marchbanks as he believes? Sigh. Anyway, I can't wait to read more - great job as always. : ) |
Friday 29th April 2005 06:28 | The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response) |
As good as Harry is, he's a bit rubbish - but then he's only 16. Marchbanks has had a century-and-a-half longer to get good, and she hasn't studied any Dark Arts spells. Harry has a lot of catching up to do... |
sonicdale Monday 25th April 2005 05:46 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
Love that Blaise is joining.
That Harry has more trouble with 'misguided' wizards is classic. Good work.
Just curious -- where is Hagrid again? Seems that Harry would have visited him... can't remember if you killed him, or if he's missing...
oh well. |
Friday 29th April 2005 06:26 | The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response) |
Kill Hagrid? Not a chance. Well, not yet, anyway...
Hagrid last popped up in c.9 in a speaking role, and will appear again in c's 16 and 17.
Slytherins in the HA? Well, we'll see how that goes... |
ellae Monday 25th April 2005 03:42 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
Very well written.
Very late for me, but I just want to say, only criticism I can think is
that Harry's restraint is bordering on unrealistic now. I know he
has developed very good control on his emotions, but I think he is due
for a blow-up. I'm tired of reading stories where all he does is
yell yell yell all 6th year, so your story is a very welcome
change. However, he has become too much of a pacifist for
me. He doesn't have to draw a wand every time someone pisses him
off, but to show something other than just calm apathy or restraint
would be good. His defense of Ron when Ernie insulted him didn't
seem very good. His acceptance of students shoving him actually
confused me - physical confrontation should illicit something.
Overall, I really like your portrayal of Harry, but I'm afraid he's
become softer than he should. Like I said, most stories steer him
too much the other way, and yours had a very good balance, but I think
it's time to give Harry some of his old fire back.
The other thing I thought was a little off was the way Hermione gets so
supremely snippy whenever Harry does anything even remotely against her
advice, and how Harry becomes overly sensitive (for him) about
it. In this chapter (or maybe it was the last one), the example I
can remember is where Hermione says, 'how're you feeling,' and Harry
says 'fine' before a look of 'anger' flashes in Hermione's eyes.
Very fine semantics here, but anger? I think that's overdoing
it. I think reproach would be better, and Harry didn't have to
seem so 'cowed,' I guess is one word. Maybe I'm remembering the
scene wrong, but that's how it struck me when I first read it.
Anyway, don't take any of this as too negative, just realize that it's
almost 5 am here, and I just read through all 13 chapters, and your
story was so engrossing that I am writing this long review when I
really should have been asleep so many hours ago my brain hurts.
Can't wait for the next chapter! Please don't post it until after Thursday, or I will surely fail my two exams this week.
Friday 29th April 2005 06:22 | The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response) |
Anger may have been overdoing it for Hermione, but Harry made a promise to be more honest and listen to his friends, and Hermione is holding him to that - don't forget that almost as soon as he did that, he completely ignored Hermione's advice. It's natural for a little resentment to linger, but it passed.
I understand the point you're making about Harry's restraint (and amended the next chapter to address it) but he's being trained to fight Voldemort and has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Right now, he's mainly looking in that direction, and the little stuff isn't getting to him too much. As satisfying as it would be for Harry to get into a punchup with Ernie, it's also something that I hate when I see it in films and books - the hero goaded into beating on a minor villain. He has nothing to prove to Ernie, and reacting would only have made things worse.
Still, as the year progresses, he'll become more confident in his powers, and become a little more aggressive in his dealings with other students, such as, oh, Ernie, Justin and Draco...
Thanks for the detailed review, and I hope you passed your exams. |
Robert Owen Monday 25th April 2005 00:49 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
Not bad. Nice take with ernie's rections. Now, just what is Susan thinking in all this?
Friday 29th April 2005 06:14 | The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response) |
Susan, as we will see, is trying not to get distracted from her main goal... |
Zaptor Monday 25th April 2005 00:07 | The Knights of Walpurgis |
Grrr... I think Ernie should have his *expletive deleted* handed to him. But great chapter. I want more! Please? This is easily one of my favorite stories and everytime I'm always left wanting more. I may die from lack of The Kinghts of Walpurgis and you wouldn't want that, would you? But no pressure.
Friday 29th April 2005 06:12 | The Knights of Walpurgis (Author Response) |
No pressure
New stuff soon - and thanks for the review! |