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Reviews For Perfectly Lovely by Starrika

Monday 6th February 2006 11:32
Perfectly Lovely
Ooh, lovely... The quiet atmosphere at the beginning was beautiful - as was the rest of the story.
And for the vous/tu problem, I'd just say that Bill's French is a bit rusty!
Sunday 18th September 2005 21:40
Perfectly Lovely
I liked how you gave Gabby that personality, I was laughing out loud when I read that she gave Bill a questionnaire. I think your characterization of both Bill and Fleur was great!
Saturday 28th January 2006 08:48Perfectly Lovely (Author Response)
Thank you! I like Gabby having a bit of spunk
Tuesday 13th September 2005 11:08
Perfectly Lovely
Ok- I can't wait to see how this bridges between HBP and the Lighthouse- I got the impression that "Gabby" has a thing for Harry, a bit og competition for Ginny. But however you work it out I am sure it will be grand. Nice little story and a nice moment from the HBP (well there should have been SOMETHING cheerful about the year).
Saturday 28th January 2006 08:49Perfectly Lovely (Author Response)
Gabby's a bit young for Harry, but she does have a very big crush.
Monday 12th September 2005 10:34
Perfectly Lovely
Sweet!  I loved Fleur in HBP, so getting this missing moment was great.  There is depth to her, and she doesn't care much about looks, just like self-confident, beautiful RL women.  And that's part of what makes them such beauties, isn't it?  Great story.

Sunday 11th September 2005 15:43
Perfectly Lovely
I was seeing question marks where the quotation marks ought to be. Maybe it was a glitch in the school computer or something, because it's perfectly fine now.
Sunday 11th September 2005 10:00
Perfectly Lovely
Aww. So cute! I want to read more!!
Saturday 10th September 2005 20:21
Perfectly Lovely


good job, this was a beautiful story...i enjoyed it a lot. 

haha...i like your Gabriel...a questionnaire?  haha.

Saturday 10th September 2005 12:57
Perfectly Lovely
I'd just like to make an observation. In French the pronoun "vous" is used in two different settings: When you are talking to more than one person or when you are talking to someone you are not intimate with or someone that is quite older or more important than yourself. It's a rather pompous way of calling someone. Nobody would use "vous" when addressing a friend and certainly not  a fiancé (e). You should have used "tu" for the sentence Je vous aimerai toujours. Mon coeur est à vous. That would be: Je t'aimerai toujours. Mon coeur est à toi. 
Saturday 10th September 2005 06:58
Perfectly Lovely
It's beautiful and all, but what's up with the question marks?
Saturday 10th September 2005 09:12Perfectly Lovely (Author Response)
I'm not sure what you mean by question marks. I checked my formatting, and I'm not seeing any other than those that end the sentence.
Saturday 10th September 2005 03:54
Perfectly Lovely
Yes, indeed, this was 'perfectly lovely'! You created the mood beautifully and I was completely captivated by Bill and Fleur's interaction - it was very natural and believable. It's always great to reach the end of a story and think, 'oh, was I just reading fanfiction? I forgot!'
Saturday 10th September 2005 09:13Perfectly Lovely (Author Response)
Thank you very much! That's the best praise you can give an author :)
Friday 9th September 2005 19:13
Perfectly Lovely
Oh *sigh*  This is perfectly lovely.  Very nice portrayal of both Bill and Fleur, but esp. Bill.  I just love how the two conversed with each other.  It was just beautiful.  Thanks for sharing it with the 'Song.
Saturday 10th September 2005 09:14Perfectly Lovely (Author Response)
Thank you. I wasn't too sure of Bill at first, but the more I wrote, the more I felt I captured his character. Of course, hearing praise that I did helps too :)