Author: Spark Soliton Story: Fireworks Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 23 Words: 2,085 A/N: JKR owns it all, I have just borrowed the characters and setting for a plot bunny of my own. Rating of PG-13 is to be on the safe side. Many thanks to my Betas "evilpersonified", "Asphyxiated" (both from the ‘Perfect Imagination’ web-site) and ‘Caledon’ (from the Firelight web-site) for their invaluable contributions to this fic. Fireworks. It was the last Friday night in May, and the grandfather clock in the living room had just chimed two when Ron woke with a start and sat up in the double bed he shared with Hermione, his wife of five years. He strained his eyes, looking around the dark room to find what had woken him, when he heard soft, low mumbles coming from the living room. He froze, and listened intently. Despite Voldemort’s fall six years ago, on the last day of June in Ron’s final year at Hogwarts, there were still Death Eaters at large. "Ruddy sofa (hic)." He recognised the male voice but couldn’t quite place it; it sounded a bit like - Harry? "Schtop waving that boxsch (hic) around!" This voice was even more familiar. Was it Ginny? The next thing he knew, a tremendous bang sounded from the living room, followed by loud whistles, shrieks, and more explosions. He flew out of the bed, grabbed the wand from his night table, and tore the door open, quickly throwing himself on the floor as a Catherine Wheel came soaring through the door, missing him by a couple of inches. The living room was full of fireworks! By this time, Hermione had also woken up, and with a shriek she grabbed her wand as well. She threw a Vanishing spell at the Catherine Wheel and screamed in shock as it multiplied by the tenfold, forcing her to throw herself under the bed as fireworks whizzed madly around the room. Ron suddenly roared, "I’ll get the ruddy twins for this! Don’t stupefy them, Hermione! They’ll just explode!" He dived underneath the bed as well, hitting the floor with his fist and mumbling curses. For once Hermione didn’t correct his language. It was half an hour later that a very irate Ron and Hermione apparated to the twins’ apartment. They were just ready to give the offending pranksters a piece of their mind when they realised that it looked like they had entered a war zone. The Weasley pair, who were looking quite the worse for wear, were sooty and dishevelled. Their girlfriends, Alicia and Katie, looked less bemused at the state of their apartment and were giving their boyfriends the evil eye, clearly thinking that Fred and George, somehow, were the culprits. The brothers themselves looked a bit shell-shocked as they gazed around. Upon seeing Ron and Hermione, George shouted quickly, "It wasn’t us!" "We think it was another pair of pranksters," Fred said in a serious manner. "Who will be paid back in full," George replied with a nod. Ron narrowed his eyes and stomped over to the twins, brandishing his wand. "If it wasn’t you, who was it?" He didn’t get an answer before another pop was heard as more of the Weasley family apparated in. "George and Fred, you’re dead!" Bill roared. "You’re sooo lucky that Fleur is in France with the kids, otherwise you’d be mince-meat now!" Bill’s hair was all over the place, his robes burnt in a couple of places and he was covered in soot. He was just about to throw a hex at the shocked twins when he noticed the state of the apartment, not to mention the rest of his family. He lowered his wand and looked around, his eyes wide. "You were hit, too?" He looked at Ron and Hermione who nodded along with the twins. "Who did this?" he asked, steaming with anger. George cleared his throat, "Erm, we think it might be Ginny and Harry, actually…" He couldn’t say more before Charlie, Remus and Tonks apparated in as well, equally sooty and dishevelled, wands ready. This started a furious, chaotic conversation that lasted for a few minutes before Hermione shouted, "Shut up!!!" The group grew immediately silent, stunned and surprised by Hermione’s outburst. She waved her wand at all of them and said tersely, "Were you all woken up by both whispers and fireworks, or just by fireworks?" A nod from everyone was her reply. "And they all exploded if you stupefied them or multiplied if you tried to make them vanish?" Again nods from all in the room. "So the conclusion is that they were Weasleys’ Wildfire Whiz-bangs, right?" Nods all around again. "Have there been any large purchases of these lately, George? Fred?" They shook their heads. "No, there’s a bit of lull in firework sales this time of the year, but we’ve been making a big stock for the end of June, you know for Harry-Kicked-Tommy’s-Bum-Day," Fred replied. Hermione scowled and curtly replied, "It’s called the Memorial Day for a reason, George." "I’m Fred, that smarmy fellow over there is George," Fred replied cheekily. "Whatever," Hermione growled. Tonks saw that she was about to launch into one of her infamous rants and decided to derail it before it could start. "Who can get in to your shop?" Tonks asked in a loud voice. "No one, except for me, Fred, and the girls," George answered. Both twins then scowled, having shared a look between one another. "And our dear baby sister and her husband," Fred stated with a grimace. This started a loud murmuring, promising revenge on the evil couple. After a few minutes, Ron frowned and asked Hermione, "I thought Harry and Ginny were in America?" "They were, the last time we heard from them, which was a fortnight ago. Chasing the Malfoys, I believe, not that they have ever said clearly what they are up to or where they are," Hermione replied. "We’ve haven’t heard anything since." "Let’s check the Burrow, see if Mum knows something. They always stay there when they’re in England," Bill suggested. "We can’t all go, we’ll scare her to death," Ron stuttered, picturing in his mind the Weasley clan descending on the Burrow in the middle of the night and Mrs. Weasley’s reaction to that. Bill gave Ron a mischievous grin: "Oh, ickle Ronniekins worried about Mum. Then you go. Alone." Ron sighed and disapparated to the Burrow. He arrived in the living room and immediately became suspicious. There were robes and clothes strewn across the living room, towards the staircase, and an empty bottle of Ogden’s Firewhiskey on a side table. Ron followed the trail of clothes up the stairs, noticing that they ended just in front of Ginny’s room. He apparated back to the twins’ shop. "Were they at the Burrow?" The question was thrown at him almost before he had arrived. Ron laughed evilly. "Oh, yes. There’s clothes leading from the middle of the living room to Ginny’s room, her bra and knickers along with Harry’s boxers are lying in the hallway AND there is a Gryffindor tie hanging from her door handle…" There was scattered laughter at this. "I also spotted an empty bottle of firewhiskey in the living room." "That doesn’t sound like Ginny and Harry," Bill mumbled. "I have never seen either of them touch alcohol," Hermione mumbled, deep in thought. "Something about constant vigilance and not wanting to muddle their brains…" Then her eyes lit up. "Tonks, do you know whether the Malfoys have been captured?" Tonks looked in surprise at Hermione and replied, "Yes, they were brought in and sentenced yesterday." "By whom?" "Don’t know, they were dropped off in the court room by a Portkey, shocked the daylights out of Amelia Bones." Then her eyes lit up as well and she shouted with glee: "That’s how Ginny and Harry bring in all their catches!" She waved her fist in the air. "Victory celebration; they caught the last of the Death Eaters! No wonder they’ve been drinking!" Ron shouted happily. "Why didn’t they invite us?" he wondered aloud. Remus smiled an evil grin, "I say payback is fair turn around. You have anymore of your Whiz-bangs, Fred?" When Molly came into the kitchen of the Burrow just after six in the morning, she was stunned over the large group of people gathered there. Before she could say anything she was quickly dragged into the room, and as she came past the threshold the babble struck her, and she realised it had been made soundproof with a spell. Charlie, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Alicia, Katie, George, Hermione, Bill, and Ron all gave her wide, wolfish grins. She narrowed her eyes and glared at them. "Ok, what are you up to now? Why the silencing charm?" They all told her the story of Harry and Ginny’s prank during the night and the payback they were about to dole out. She laughed out loud and then scurried out to get Arthur whilst George and Fred got ready outside Ginny’s bedroom. The door was carefully opened and Fred looked in. He smiled at what he saw. The bedroom window was open, but the alcoholic fumes in the room were still strong enough to knock out a hippogriff. In Ginny’s narrow bed, a tangle of limbs, a sheet, and two heads were lying fast asleep. His eyes widened as he saw their wands hovering close to their hands, apparently ready to fly into them at a moments’ notice. George carefully pushed a big box of Whiz-bang’s into the room; Fred used his wand to light them, and they hurriedly closed and locked the door. A few seconds later the fireworks lit up and the first bang was heard. They heard the yell of ‘Stupefy’ and a tremendous explosion rocked the room. The house erupted into laughter. Half an hour later, the fireworks had died out and the Weasley clan stormed the bedroom and found it — empty. "What the…?" Bill rushed to the window and looked out, and burst out laughing. There was a mad squabble to get to the window to see what had caused the amusement. In Molly’s strawberry patch two people sat; one petite and lithe red-haired girl and a slightly taller, slim black-haired boy, both wrapped in what looked like hastily conjured blankets, both of them had their heads in their hands, looking very hung-over. Several hours later Ginny and Harry sat nursing two mugs of herbal tea in the kitchen, vainly hoping that their headaches would go away. They had barely managed to eat the small cooked breakfast, and Ginny had lost count of how many glasses of pumpkin juice she had drunk so far. Neither of them felt very congenial, and Ginny hissed angrily at anyone speaking within ten yards of her. Of course, everyone was giving them wide smiles and sniggers, which only made them feel worse. "I’ll never drink again, I feel terrible," Ginny mumbled. Harry nodded, but quickly stopped this action as it made his head hurt even more. He closed his eyes for a moment and thought back of the evening. After having visited Dumbledore at Hogwarts to tell him that they had caught the Malfoys, they had had a meal at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade and a celebratory drink with the patrons there. That had soon gone totally out of hand, and both of them became very drunk very quickly. He winced at the thought of them apparating around in the state they were in; it was probably luck and the fact they were so used to apparating that they hadn’t splinched themselves. He had some vague memories of hurriedly undressing as they got back to the Burrow, and that he and Ginny had made wild and passionate love. That thought jolted him and he sat up straight and looked at Ginny. She noticed his changed posture and said irritably, "What?" Harry blushed and leaned over to whisper, "Erm — did we do the contraceptive charm before we… erm… you know, made love last night?" Ginny frowned as she tried to remember, but then shrugged and gave Harry a small smile. "Don’t know, can’t remember. But it doesn’t really matter now, does it?" Harry winced at the pointed question. "No, if you’re happy with the potential consequences, I’m happy. With the Malfoys gone, maybe it’s time to start expanding our own family?" The wide, happy smile on Ginny’s face told him that she agreed whole-heartedly with him. Fin. A/N: Thanks for reading, please review. Without constructive criticism I can’t improve. |