Author: snowball Story: Little One Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Warning: Character Death Reviews: 24 Words: 2,690 August 13th, 2002 "Once upon a time, there was a little magical girl. She grew up surrounded by love and had a happy childhood even though she had six overly protective brothers. It was a custom for her mother to read bedtime stories to her and her favourite story was about a magical prince. So fascinated was she by the story that she dreamed of meeting the prince and without realizing it, she had fallen in love with a prince that she had never met before. Her dreams came true when the prince realized his feelings for her during his sixth year." Ginny felt pain in her abdomen. "Why little one, you are a bit restless today, aren't you? Do you miss Daddy? I miss him very much." The baby responded by kicking her again. Ginny smiled a sad smile as she rubbed her bulging stomach and her gaze fell on the picture at the mantelpiece. A happy couple on their wedding day waved back at her. The man had untidy jet-black hair and emerald green eyes. The woman, on the other hand had fiery red hair and chocolate brown eyes. A long wooden box lay beside the photograph. An eleven-inch wand that contained holly and single phoenix tail feather in the core lay inside it. Ginny nibbled at a Mars Bar, a wan
smile on her lips and returned to her knitting, humming 'Somewhere Out
There' from a Muggle cartoon she remembered watching before. "A Knut for your thoughts, Gin?" "Hm…hmm" "Earth to Gin, earth to Gin." Harry waved his hand in front of Ginny. "Oh! Harry, did you say something? "What were you thinking, Gin? It's not like you to be so lost in thoughts. You don't like it here?" Ginny looked at the picturesque scenery before her. Harry had Apparated her to – heaven help her – she did not even know where she was, directly after their wedding reception. They were sitting at the beach, a feast enough to feed a whole army in front of them. There was only one problem-Muggle food. "I was just thinking about the chocolate you bought, that Mars thingy." "Mars Bars? Fancy one?" Ginny stared at Harry "Erm, its edible right, Harry? It has nothing to do with the planet Mars, isn't it?" Harry stifled a laugh. "No—a Mars Bar is a type of chocolate bar, something like a wafer of nuts and cream coated with chocolate. Here try one, it's not bad." Harry unwrapped one, taking a bite before passing it to Ginny. Ginny gave Harry a calculating look. "Why do I have the feeling that you are up to something, Mr. Potter?" Harry laughed; a carefree and joyous laugh that was rare after the event at Department of Mysteries. "Nothing, Mrs. Potter. Come on, try some." Ginny hesitated before nibbling at the Mars Bar he offered. "Hmm, it's not bad. Sweet and nice, actually." She surprised that the Muggle sweet tasted better than she thought, and was even edible. "Told you," Harry gave Ginny's finger a squeeze. There were some chocolate bits on her lips. He lowered his head. Their faces were so near now; he can see her freckles and those plump inviting lips. Slowly, he licked the chocolate from her lips, exploring her lips, tantalizing her before deepening the kiss… Ginny stiffened for a spilt second but gave in to instincts and responded, opening her mouth to him. Both break the kiss when breathing became necessary. "Do that again?" "What, kissing?" "No, Mars Bars and kissing." Man and wife spent the evening in each other's arms, sunset viewing forgotten. Ginny bit into the bar again. "Mars bars are sweet and nice; do you know that, little one?" The doorbell rang, shaking her out of her reverie. She got up, gingerly testing her swollen feet. She let out an expletive as pins and needles shot through her feet. The knocking became louder and more impatient. "Gin, are you all right in there?" Ginny froze. Did the person waiting at the door mention 'Gin'? She shook her head. It couldn't be true. He's not coming back any more. He couldn't even if he wants to. He is happy where he is now. You must have heard wrongly. Hormones, she concluded. But maybe…just maybe… "Are you there, Gin? It's me, Ron, your brother. Hermione's here, too." All the adrenaline left her. The pit of hollowness returned to full force. Shoulders slumped; Ginny shuffled her feet to the door. "I'm fine, Ron. Wait a bit or I'll Bat Bogey hex you. Muscle cramp," she spat, disappointment evident in her voice. Ginny opened the door, just in time to reveal a very nervous Ron, shuffling his feet and a very angry Hermione. "Where are your senses, Ron? Only Harry calls her 'Gin'. She has just started to let go and here you are, calling her their endearment term," the older witch hissed. Ron's eyes were wide as Galleons when he realized his mistake. Her heart warmed at Hermione's words. "Ron, Hermione…" Ron turned around. "Gin- I mean Ginny, I'm sorry. I-" A lump formed at the back of her throat and her eyes started to sting. She tried to control her emotions. She wouldn't do to cry in front of them, not anymore. "It's all right, Ron," she whispered. A single tear found its way down her cheeks. Ginny suddenly found herself in Ron and Hermione's embrace. Passers-by would have found the scene astonishing; three grown-ups, one of which was heavily pregnant, hugging each other at the doorstep. She chuckled at the thought. Hermione looked at you quizzically. "Ginny-" "I'm all right, Hermione. Come in." Ginny closed the door behind her. "Tea or coffee?" "Let me serve, Ginny. You sit down." Ron settled himself on the couch opposite her rocking chair, looking at Ginny nervously, half expecting her to hex him any moment. Hermione brought tea and sat down beside her husband. Ginny cleared your throat. "So--er--any particular reason for your unexpected visit? It's not like you to visit unannounced. Ron maybe, but not you, Hermione." The baby kicked her again, but she kept her expression neutral. Her family had been treating her like a piece of glass that might break anytime. "Which is probably true. They don't know when you will break," she whispered to herself. "Oh, nothing Ginny. It's been some time since we met so we thought we'd visit and chat with you a bit. Look, we even brought sweets with us." Hermione answered a bit too quickly and brightly. Ginny narrowed your eyes. "We had dinner together last week, Hermione. That hardly counts as 'some time'. Talking about sweets, the Hermione that I know don't snack." "Oh yes, but-er-but," Hermione squeaked. "Can't a brother and his wife visit his only sister, Ginny?" Ron interjected as he unstuck one Sherbet Lemon from the bag Hermione held. He popped the sweet into his mouth and proceeded to unstick another. "Sherbet Lemon?" "If you say so," Ginny answered wearily taking the sweet from him. "Professor Dumbledore's favourite sweet," she whispered. "Avada Kedavra." "Harry, behind you!" Before Ginny could rush to Harry, Albus Dumbledore Apparated behind Harry and took the Killing Curse aimed for Harry. He slumped to the ground. Ginny stopped in her tracks, stunned. Curses from all directions flew past her. Voldemort had led his army of Death Eaters to the gates of Hogwarts during Ginny's sixth year end of term feast. The second war had started. Harry turned, his face pale. "No, professor not you too." He fell to his knees. A cruel laughter pierced their eardrums. "Your foolish Muggle-loving headmaster is dead. Bow to death, Harry," the Dark Lord spat. "Never! Not before I take you with me." "Ginny, Ginny, did you hear what I said?" "Sorry, Hermione. What did you say?" Hermione took a deep breath. "I'm six weeks pregnant, Ginny. Ron and I would be honoured if you would be the baby's godmother." "You are the first to know of the pregnancy." Ron looked at Ginny. "Oh Ron, Hermione, congratulations. But I'm not even sure that I'm ready for my own baby. How could I be ready to be your firstborn's godmother?" "You don't have to give us an answer now, Ginny. Think about it. And Ginny, I have cravings for the most ridiculous things." "And that is?" Ginny prompted. "Chocolate Frogs!" Ron burst out before his wife could open her mouth and fell into helpless laughter. Hermione rounded on him. "What is so funny about Chocolate Frog cravings, Mr Weasley?" Ron sobered up at once. "Erm, nothing. It's just that before this you never fancied sweet things and now…-you know." He shrugged. Hermione harrumphed at the back of her throat but her expression softened nonetheless. "Pass me one Chocolate Frog, Ron." Ginny looked up from the jumper she was knitting. "Pass me one too, Ron." "Catch." Ginny
opened the wrapper and took out the card, nibbling at the chocolate and
turning the card at the same time. Her breath hitched when she saw the
wizard on the card. A messy haired, bespectacled young man with emerald
green eyes smiled at her. Below the picture were the words: Harry James Potter Ginny's world came crushing down. She could not take it anymore. Silent tears streamed down her checks. Seeing the card brought back all the bittersweet memories with Harry; her first kiss with Harry, Harry in hospital wing after he defeated Voldemort, Harry proposing to her, her marriage after she left Hogwarts and the day she was planning to tell Harry of her pregnancy on their wedding anniversary. He never made it home. Ginny's stomach was churning but she was not sure whether it was the baby or her own emotions. Three strides and Ron and Hermione were beside Ginny. Hermione hugged her. "Hush Ginny, you have to let go. Harry wouldn't want you to be unhappy. Please, for the baby's sake." "I miss him so much, Hermione. Why is life so bloody unfair to him? He has lost so much, why can't he live a happy life? Losing his parents, living with those relatives of his, losing Sirius just when they got to know each other and Professor Dumbledore, too. Even after he defeated Voldemort he had to track down the Death Eaters. Look what happened! He has been missing for seven months!" Ginny was hysterical when she finished. "Do not lose hope, Ginny. Harry's a powerful and resourceful wizard. If he's alive, he will try his hardest to come back." Ron gave her a one-arm hug. "It's been seven months, Ron. Chances of finding him alive get slimmer every passing day." "The Aurors did not find anything yet. So maybe…" Hermione trailed off. Even she was not convinced by Ron's words, much less Ginny. The baby gave an almighty kick. Ginny groaned aloud. "Ginny, what is happening?" "I think the baby is anxious to see the world, Hermione," she gasped. The baby kicked again. "What! But-but you're two weeks early." Ron spluttered. "We have to get her to St. Mungo's now." ********** A bunch of redheads were seen pacing outside the delivery room of St. Mungo's. Ginny had been inside the delivery room for almost eleven hours. Remus looked at the Weasley clan, Molly especially. "Molly, you should sit down. You are only tiring yourself. Please calm down. " "Calm down. Do you seriously think I can do that, Remus? My baby daughter is in that room and her baby is premature!" Molly shrieked, earning herself a reproachful glare from a Healer passing by. Remus touched Molly's shoulder. "Molly, you need to be strong for Ginny. You are not helping her by wearing yourself out." Remus prepared himself for Molly's retort but it never came. Molly was staring at him; no…she was staring over his shoulder, mouth agape. The Weasleys stop talking and Bill pointed at someone behind Remus. He spun around. Staring back at him was a sickly thin and haggard young man. With tattered robes, long and messy shoulder-length hair and a few months growth of beard, the man looked uncannily like a beggar. But those eyes, those emerald green eyes and that faint outline of the scar across his forehead – it can only be – "Harry!" Hermione rushed forward. Remus grabbed Hermione's arm. "Wait, Hermione. We need to make sure." He turned to face the man, wand ready. "What shape does your Patronus take?" "A stag." "Harry, mate!" Ron embraced his best friend in a one arm brotherly hug. The rest of the Weasleys seemed to come out of their stupor, Molly especially. "Harry, where have you been? We thought you were- you were…" "I was kidnapped by Death Eaters during my last mission." "Then, how did you…" "Later Molly. Where is Ginny? Is she still in the delivery room?" "Goodness, yes. Go, she needs you." Harry didn't need telling twice. After seven months of torture, he had finally managed to escape from his captors. He had returned home only to be told by his neighbours that his wife was in the delivery room. ************ "Sir, you cannot enter the delivery room." A healer tried to stop Harry from advancing. "I'm Ginny Potter's husband. I believe I have the right to be beside her." "Oh, in that case…" Harry ignored her and walked up to Ginny. "Mrs. Potter, you have to push harder. We're nearly there. " Ginny was tired beyond words. She was sweating profusely. Her hospital gown was stuck to her sweaty body and her ginger hair had become tangled and stuck to her face. The contractions had started last night and judging by the early morning rays, she had been in the room more than ten hours. But the baby wouldn't come out. Harry stopped in his tracks when Ginny whimpered. What he heard next tore at his heart completely. "Harry, please look out for our little one. I lost you too soon and I cannot lose our little one too," Ginny whimpered, not caring if the Healers heard her or not. Let them think that she was deranged but she knew that Harry would always beside her, no matter where he was. "It's all right, Gin. I'm sorry I caused you much heartache." Ginny rolled her eyes. "I'll Bat Bogey hex you if you don't stop calling me Gin, Ron. I mean it." She screamed her threat as the contractions started again. "No, Gin. It's me, Harry. I'm back," Harry whispered. Ginny craned her neck. "Harry. Are you really Harry? I am not dreaming, am I?" Harry rushed to Ginny's side. He brushed Ginny's hair away from her face. "No love, you are not dreaming. It's really me." Ginny totally lost her composure. "Oh Harry, you're back. I was so afraid that you were-were…and our baby, the little one is premature," she sobbed. "I'm back now, Ginny. I'm alive. I love you Gin. The little one is going to be fine. Try to push harder. The baby is almost there." Harry ensured his love, kissing their entwined fingers as he spoke Ginny gave an almighty push, pushing with all the energy she had left. A baby's cries filled the room. Ginny sighed in relief. The doctor came to them. "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Potter. You have a healthy son. What would you name him?" Ginny looked at her little one, Harry's little one. The little one had emerald green eyes, just like his daddy. She looked up and met Harry's eyes. "Welcome to the world, Sirius James Potter," they answered in unison, choosing the name that they had agreed upon long before Ginny knew she had conceived. "Yes, that's a fine name." He left to show the rest of the family the new addition. |