Author: OHGinnyfan
Story: Lucky Twenty-One
Rating: Everyone
Setting: Pre-DH
Status: Completed
Reviews: 11
Words: 754
"What game is everyone up for tonight?" George asked. "Five Card Draw? Blackjack? Or do we want to stick with Exploding Snap?"
the fall of Voldemort, the Weasley children made a habit of meeting
once a month for a family game night. This was a time for them to have
some serious fun with each other. The hosting house was rotated--each
sibling who owned or rented a place of their own took a turn, and
spouses or significant others were always invited. The games weren't
limited to wizarding--they included the Muggle ones they knew, too.
Three years after the final battle, and the party still went on. It had
become tradition, and one that everyone actually looked forward to.
though he wasn't family, Harry had an invitation from the start of the
tradition. He came back after Voldemort was destroyed a bit tattered
and torn, but resolute in his decision to claim Miss Ginny Weasley for
his own, if she'd have him. Of course, there was no question in her
mind --Harry was the one for her, and the two immediately began dating.
Even if he had not been Ginny's "significant other", Harry would have
been included. He was as close to family as anyone, and no one would
have thought to not include him in this time of letting off steam and
having some fun.
"I vote for Blackjack," answered Bill.
"Blackjack it is," said Fred. "And I'm the dealer tonight."
"Care to make a side wager, Ginny?" Harry whispered in his girlfriend's ear.
Ginny raised an eyebrow as she looked at Harry. "That depends," she answered slowly. "What's the side bet?"
"Oh, nothing horrible," he answered. "Just that I get to ask you something in front of your family, if I win..."
"And what do I get if I win?" she interrupted.
"What do you want?"
raised her eyebrow again and slowly began to grin at the boy wickedly.
"I get to ask you something totally embarrassing in front of the gits."
"Deal," Harry said, sticking out his hand.
She shook it and grinned madly. This would be the game of the night.
"I'm out," said Charlie, throwing his cards in. "I went over."
"Me, too," chorused Bill, George and Percy.
"Hit me," said Ginny, her eyes wide. Harry had held after the cards were initially dealt.
"Me, too," said Ron as he accepted another card. He looked at the card and grumbled. "I'm out. I went over, too."
"Looks like it's just you two left," said Fred. Any more cards, Gin-Gin?
call me that, you git," the girl said through gritted teeth. She looked
at her cards again. She had a Four of Hearts, a Four of Spades and a
Two of Diamonds all face up. Face down was a Ten of Hearts. She had
twenty, and she had to call. But was it good enough to beat Harry's hand?
"I call," she said and flipped over her ten of hearts. "I have twenty."
"Harry, what do you have?" Fred asked.
grinned. He had a Jack of Diamonds facing up, and flipped the Ace of
Hearts on top. "Twenty-one," he said proudly. He pulled the chips
toward him as he caught Ginny's eye. "Ready to pay up, Ginny?"
"Yes," she sighed. "Let's get this over with." She wondered exactly what to expect.
looked at her family and said, "Ginny and I had a side bet. If I won, I
got to ask her something in front of all of you." The spouses and
friends made their way into the room. Moving over next to Ginny, he
dropped to one knee and said, "Ginny, will you marry me?"
filled the room as Ginny stared at Harry in disbelief. Finally Ron
broke the silence and said, "Well? Are you going to answer the man or
"Shut up, you git," Ginny whispered. "Really?" she asked, looking down at Harry.
He nodded.
"Yes," she whispered as Harry stood and picked her up, hugging her tightly.
The room erupted in chatter and laughter. The game was forgotten--there was a wedding to plan.
A/N: This was written for the hpgw_otp LJ Community's
Number Challenge. It was to be between 200 and 700 words and center
around the number chosen. And as you can tell, I chose twenty-one and
this is actually one of two stories written using the number. Thanks
always to Julie, who is my wonderful beta, but more importantly, a
wonderful friend. *smooches*