Author: SnowFlakeGinny Story: Blizzard Rating: Teens Setting: AU Status: Completed Warning: None Reviews: 12 Words: 1,497 Disclaimer: I own everything you see! I am God! You shall obey me and worship me!::::: sigh:::: How I wish it was the truth… A/N: In my other fic "In The Hands Of Fate" (it will be nice if you take a glance) I focused on Harry and Mor’s (my own fictional character) relationship and though I had paired Ron and Hermione I feel like I neglected them. Then the other day while I was reading PoA a thought came to me about what really went on the first time Ron and Hermione explored Hogsmeade without Harry that Halloween together. Now since lovely Joanne hasn't written anything about it, I have! And I think I did them justice. So without further ado here is the fic! ------------ It was finally Halloween and Ron couldn't be more excited. It wasn't because of the special meaning of the day and it wasn't because he got to finally go to Hogsmeade; it was because he got to do it with Hermione. Yes, know-it-all, bookworm, bossy Hermione Granger. Just because he was a thirteen-year-old boy did not mean Ron was blind. He knew and understood perfectly why he insisted on fighting with Hermione. It was as a result of seeing her after she got back from France this summer and she was blossoming and radiating with beauty. Only time would tell when other boys would start to notice the witch and not the witch's reputation. "Ron? Are you feeling alright?" Hermione’s concerned voice startled him from his reverie and he looked around to see were he was. "Me? Of course! Why wouldn't I be alright?" Hermione considered him for a moment, and then smiled a small smile. "You were gazing at thin air and your mouth was slightly open," she said. "In other words I looked like a fish." He crooked his now all too familiar lopsided smile and Hermione laughed. "I can't believe professor McGonagall hasn't allowed Harry to join us." Hermione said as she buttoned up her coat. "Yeah, me too." Ron answered automatically. They reached the castle's tall stone gates and the small town of Hogsmeade was revealed to their eyes. "Oh Ron! It's so beautiful. Don't you just love how it looks from here?" "I adore it," he trailed off as he gazed at her smiling face as she viewed the small town. "Let's go!" she grabbed his hand pulled him so he would go faster. Ron made a note to himself to tell her sometime, perhaps when they were older, how perfectly her petite and delicate hand fits into his. "Where should we go first?" Hermione asked, her cheeks rosy from the wind. It looked like it might rain. "How 'bout we go to Honeydukes, and we'll see from there?" he suggested. At first he thought she might shout at him for thinking about sweets, but to his utter surprise she grinned and her eyes were full of joy. "I thought you'd never ask! I've been waiting to see the sweetshop since you told me about it at the Leaky Cauldron." "You have? I thought you'd want to go to the post office first or at least to the Shrieking Shack, with its history and all." "Just so you know, Ronald, I do have a weak spot for sweets: being the daughter of two dentists makes you long for sweets," and she again grabbed his hand and opened the door to the sweetshop. Ron found the interior of the shop breathtaking. To his left he saw jars and jars of colorful Every Flavor Beans and on the high shelves were lines of tempting chocolates. To his right were mountains of sugar quills, Acid Pops, Pepper Imps and Fizzing Whizzbees. But he stopped looking at the sweets as he noticed Hermione's facial expression: her eyes sparkled and her smile made her radiate warmth. "I don't know what to try first!" she gasped with excitement. "Just to think I can have only a little of it all." "You could have it all one day." "How could I?" "I'll buy this place for you when we're older and you can eat all the sweets you want all the time." Ron felt his ears redden and hoped that Hermione wouldn’t laugh at him or at what he had just said. "Really, Ron? You promise?" "Yes I do." Then Hermione flung her arms around his neck and hugged him. Her hair smelled like apples and it felt soft as he caressed her curls. "Pick your favorites and some for Harry and I'll pay for it this time," he whispered soothingly in her ear. "Can you afford it, Ron?" she looked at him, still not letting go of him. "I mean, do you have enough money with you?" "I saved some during the summer: Mum and Dad gave me extra pocket money for getting Ginny out of the Chamber, and with Dad winning the Daily Prophet draw, I have more money than I usually have." "Alright, Ron, but only if you let me buy you something to drink at the pub, " she insisted. "Fine," said Ron, as he paid for the three bags of sweets. They left the shop only to find that it started to rain, so Ron grabbed Hermione's hand and led her quickly into the first store he could find. "You surprise me sometimes," Hermione declared as they began to move around the store. "Why?" "First the sweets, then this." Ron looked around and found that he was in the middle of a bookshop; then his gaze rested on his and Hermione's entwined hands. "Let's look around." he offered and Hermione accepted gladly. They walked around, and Hermione found a book to buy. Outside it was raining more heavily than when they had entered the shop, and there was mud everywhere. "I think we should get back inside the shop!" said Hermione loudly, as thunder sounded. "No! Let's just wait in there!" Ron responded and pointed to a small, roofed alley. Hermione nodded and they both sprinted over to the alley, trying not to slip in the mud and the puddles. When they were under cover, Hermione was breathing rapidly, she had a faint blush on her cheeks from the run and from the cold, and small rain drops were caught in her hair. "Ron you're soaking wet. Here, let me warm you up a little." She took his hand that lay in hers and began to rub it between her own to warm it up. "Hermione, you're freezing. I don't want you to catch a cold." "Don't bother Ron, I'm fine." But she shivered as she said it, and Ron smirked at her. "Just rub my hands for me," she ordered. She was bossing him, but this time he didn't care. He felt heat building up inside and around him, which was quite strange, as it was storming all around them and the roof was leaking on them. "Are you warm yet?" Hermione asked, and he saw a cold haze coming out of her mouth. "I am but you're not. Come a little closer." Hermione arched an eyebrow at him. "I won't bite," Ron reassured her and she smiled and moved closer; so close that Ron had to wrap his arms around her. "Is that okay?" he asked. "Absolutely perfect," Hermione answered. Ron smiled to himself and made another note to himself to tell her, when they were older, how perfectly her body fits next to his. "Ron?" "Um, yes?" "Thank you for everything." "You’re worth everything." He didn't know why but it slipped out of his mouth, and he could feel Hermione's body stiffen in his arms and slowly pull away. Then she stopped, and she was face to face with him. "Do you really think so?" her cheeks were as scarlet as his hair and her eyes glistened in a way that Ron was not familiar with. "Yes I do." Next thing he knew Hermione's lips were on his, soft and gentle. The kiss lasted only a second, but to Ron it seemed like forever. They stared at each other for a couple of long minutes before their bodies parted. The rain had stopped and a cold wind was blowing as the sun came out from behind the grey clouds. They walked hand in hand out of the alley and over to The Three Broomsticks. Later, as they walked back to the castle, their hands were at their sides. They had both agreed, although not in words, that they had to be there for Harry for the time being, and that when they were older they would pick up from where they had left off. That night before she fell asleep, Hermione made a note to herself to tell Ron, when they were older, how perfect his lips felt on hers. ________________________________________ A/N: I know it's fluffy and all but I think it's cute and sort of sad. Please Review and send feedback. SnowFlakeGinny : -) |