Author: gwenstarr
Story: Destiny Demanded
Rating: Everyone
Setting: Pre-OotP
Status: Completed
Reviews: 2
Words: 445
Choices not his own
A Path already forged
Destiny through Prophesy
A boy not yet a man,
Forced into maturity
Through forces unseen,
But not unknown.
Losing himself
To these Dark forces
In his time of weakness
Would seal a dark fate.
Sadness overwhelms him.
Anger permeates him.
A mind prone to attack
A sadness too deep to heal.
His would-be father gone
Lost too soon through a doorway,
To world beyond our grasp.
The death shakes him—Destined
To lose all who love him.
Believing he’s a curse—Desperation
Takes him—Destined
To stand alone. Kill
Or be killed. Murderer
Or murdered.
Unsure of himself, insecurities
Overwhelm. A Power
Unknown. Love
Will save him. Love
Is the answer.
From a family
Not his own, from a wolf
From his pack.
He can save the world.
But can he save himself?
He will find his salvation
In this fiery family,
In the lonely wolf,
In a girl of muggle blood.
In the youngest boy
—and in the only girl—
Born to the pureblood family of fire.
His family not through blood,
But through bond.
His family by choice.
His friends, loyal
To a fault. Bound Together.
Full-blood, Muggle-blood, Pure-blood.
This bond formed
By his own will,
Will intersect his path. Separate,
They are strong. Together,
Practically indestructible.
A powerful triumvirate.
Each with individual strengths.
Heart, mind, and soul.
The mind full of wit,
Cleverness—a Ravenclaw
Mind, yet Gryffindor heart.
The soul of fire,
Emotional—The Strength
Behind the heart
—the most important and powerful part.
The heart full of love—impossibly found.
Courageous yet insecure.
The glue that binds them.
The trio turns to six
A girl of fire—Fierce,
Proud and loyal.
A girl of sight—Loony,
Yet Bright.
And a boy of Destiny Denied.
Clumsy, Forgetful—Yet a True
Gryffindor soul.
A team brought together
Through Chance and Fate.
Each complements another.
Yet all support the one.
The One boy chosen by fate
To complete a task
No single person should be asked.
A task that would cause a grown man
To quake and quiver and flee in fear.
Yet face it he will.
The boy-almost-a-man
Will save the world,
As destiny demands it.
His friends and family support him,
And are the reason he fights on.
He will undergo this task.
Not for himself, not
For the government,
But for those he loves.
He will defeat a Dark Lord,
Save the world—both magical
And muggle. All for the protection
And happiness of his chosen family.
Destiny damned him with this task
and demands it of him.
And he will fulfill his duty,
For those whom have earned his trust
—and his love.