Author: Sorting Hat
Story: Harry's Last Letter
Rating: Young Teens
Setting: Pre-HBP
Status: Completed
Reviews: 8
Words: 368
Dear Sirius
Dear Padfoot
You've had me wasting parchment, you know. It's hard to know what I want to say. Is this how you felt when my dad died?
Damn it, How am I supposed to deal with this? Why did you have to come to the ministry? Couldn't you just listen to Dumbledore? It was for your own good. But then, that really doesn't matter to you, does it? Always the one who has to live on the edge, and break the rules. That was you, wasn't it? Couldn't you
Why am I after you? This is Bellatrix Lestrange's fault. I feel so alone here. I guess I should be used to it. After all, I never did get to live with you, did I? But that's normal for the summer most of the time. This summer is different though. Dumbledore let me come to the Burrow. He probably thought I'd do something stupid, if they left me alone at Private drive. Which I guess is for the best. I don't know if I could stand that place.
Mrs. Weasley hasn't left me alone since I came here. She's been upset because I've been ignoring the food she gives me. She wont accept that I am NOT bloody hungry! I just don't feel like eating. Ever felt that way? Was it like this after dad died? I suppose it probably was, since you were in Azkaban. And now look what's happened. You've gone and got yourself killed. Voldemort got you. This is my fault, though if Ron hears me say that he'll probably have Hermione hex me into next month. Or Mrs. Weasley might do it.
I hate you! You were supposed to take me from the Dursely's, remember?
I don't. I just hate...this. Dolores Umbridge should be the one beyond the veil. Not you.
I just miss you, I think. You were the closest thing I've had to a dad. If my dad were alive, I hope he'd have been like you.
You know Remus is going to take care of me, right? I think you probably do.
This is stupid. I'll probably just tear it up. But I thought you should know.