Author: Grandma Kate Story: Molly and Arthur and the Christmases Remembered Rating: Everyone Setting: Post-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 11 Words: 9,027 The Harry Potter Universe belongs to J.K. Rowling. I'm just borrowing the characters for a while. This is for pleasure only, no profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Molly and Arthur definitely had the Christmas Spirit. Christmas morning, they woke at first light to pull the stockings that they had filled for each other under the covers so they could still snuggle while they investigated them. They had a bit of a lie in before pulling on dressing gowns and eating a light breakfast. Molly sent the dishes over to the sink to wash themselves and climbed upstairs to shower and dress in her new green robes trimmed with red. Arthur drank a second cup of tea, took his shower, put on his best robes, and re-joined Molly in the kitchen. He cast a Shrinking Charm on the presents they were giving to various family members, put them in a festive sack, and set it down by the fireplace next to the basket containing Molly's Christmas pudding. They were both ready to go by Floo to Potter's Pride to join the family to celebrate Christmas but they still had time to remember past years. Arthur reached up to the top shelf of the bookcase and got down a very special book. He put it on the kitchen table and he and Molly sat with chairs close together while they turned the pages and remembered the many Christmases they had spent together. Even before they married, Arthur knew that Molly really loved Christmas. It wasn't that she was particularly religious, most witches aren't; but she did love everything about Christmas. For their first Christmas as a married couple, when they were still living in Diagon Alley in a flat above Berte's Better Bakery, Arthur gave Molly a book called Christmas Memories. The first section was about various Christmas traditions but most of the pages were left blank. They were for writing about each Christmas along with space for a yearly picture. Since it was a magical book, a new page appeared as needed. Molly was so excited about her book for recording memories of each Christmas that she showed it to everyone at the early dinner they ate with Arthur's parents and again at the evening meal they ate with the Prewett clan. Her mother's twin sister, Auntie Muriel, was at the second dinner and went on and on about Christmas Crackers and the meaning of the objects in the Christmas pudding. Auntie Muriel's daughter, Molly's cousin Holly, got the tiny pink baby in her Christmas pudding. That meant that she would be a mother before the next Christmas. The first entry Molly wrote on the page titled Christmas 1968 was "Arthur gave me this book for our Christmas memories. I will write in it every year. I gave Arthur a Muggle flashlight. He said it was almost as good as a Lumos spell. We ate Christmas dinner with Arthur's parents and his brother Charlie. Then we went to Mum and Dad's for another dinner. Auntie Muriel and her daughters were there. Holly got the baby in the Christmas pudding. I am sure she will get pregnant. We decided that do not want to eat two big dinners next Christmas." The first picture she put in the book was of them kissing under a sprig of mistletoe in front of the Prewett Christmas tree. Molly always giggled a bit as she remembered their second Christmas. She and Arthur avoided deciding which family they would eat with and went on holiday all by themselves at the seashore. They decorated a tiny tree for the table in their room and hung stockings on the hotel room's bedposts. She filled his with small presents that she knew he'd like and he did the same for hers. It was delightful to drag the stockings back into bed to open them. They had their pictures taken in a booth near the sea before they walked along the beach picking up shells. When a storm came up, they ran back to the hotel and spent the rest of their two-day holiday in bed. Molly wrote "Arthur and I went to Brighton and stayed in a hotel. It was like a second honeymoon. We had a tiny tree and filled each other's stockings. We got silly pictures taken in a booth and found shells for a while before it rained and we had to stay inside." She put the whole strip of pictures of them grinning like clowns in the Christmas book. Billy was born four weeks before their third Christmas in 1970. It had been an easy birth and he was a calm baby. Mary Prewett was with Molly during the delivery and came through the Floo in the bakery every morning for two weeks to help with her first grandson and to cook and to clean. Before the birth, Molly knitted a red and green striped stocking for each of them. She cried for joy on Christmas Eve when she saw Baby Billy's little stocking hanging between her medium one and Arthur's big one. Each of them bought small gifts for each other and their new son. Baby Billy had his first Floo experience when they took him and his basket and all the other items that new babies require to dinner at the Prewett's. Molly nursed him just before dinner and he slept peacefully all through it and the present opening. Molly, Arthur, and Billy had their picture taking wearing hand knitted jumpers she had made as a surprise while Arthur was at work. They were red and green striped like the stockings. The notes Molly wrote that year were "This is Billy's first Christmas. He is so tiny he'd fit in the red and green stocking I knitted for Arthur. I made jumpers to match for all of us. I am going to knit one for Billy every Christmas. Mum has decided that she wants Billy to call her Granny. I can't wait until Billy can enjoy the Magic of Christmas." She loved the picture of the three of them dressed alike in front of the Prewett's big tree and cast a Sticking Spell to keep it in the book. The Weasley family had moved to the Burrow by the next Christmas and little Billy was a menace anywhere near the Christmas tree. He could not resist pulling decorations off it and chewing on packages so Arthur cast a Barrier spell around it. Little Billy had outgrown the red and green striped jumper he wore as a newborn so Molly put it on his new teddy bear. Molly and Arthur put together a Muggle little red wagon while they waited for Father Christmas and listened to Celestina Warbeck's Live Christmas Eve Special. Molly made a fantastic dinner for Arthur's parents and her mother and father and brothers. Bill loved Uncle Fabian and Uncle Gideon even more when they gave him a Toddler Broom that hovered just two feet off the ground. Molly wrote, "Billy was excited about everything this Christmas. Nana and Papa Weasley and Granny and Grandpa Prewett and the boys came for Christmas dinner at the Burrow. Everyone thinks I have done a great job fixing it up. Fabian and Gideon gave Billy a Toddler Broom. He only fell off six times and laughed and got back on each time. I think he liked it better than the wagon we gave him but I will like pulling him in it instead of always having to carry him." The picture for 1971 showed Billy sitting in his new wagon wearing the new sky blue Christmas jumper that matched his eyes. Charlie was only two weeks old on Christmas in 1972. Molly's mother, Mary Prewett, was still staying with them. She had been helping with Billy and doing all the cooking, washing, and cleaning so Molly could get back on her feet from having an eleven-pound baby. Charlie nursed with great vigor and slept for four hours at a time. Billy's Christmas jumper was blue with a yellow B on the front of it. Molly had made a tiny yellow one for the baby but had not yet put an initial on it. She and Arthur had agreed to name him after Arthur's brother if he were a boy. Molly had been singing "a boy for you and a girl for me" for the month before Charlie's birth because she was hoping for her Guinevere this time but she loved her strong second son. The Prewett men joined them for Christmas dinner and Molly's mother returned home with them that night. Molly's notes in her Christmas book that year were "Charlie is a good baby but so different from Billy. He will eat anytime! Billy and I made cookies for Father Christmas. Grandpa and the boys came to pick up Granny and took her home after dinner. I am going to miss her taking care of everything but they need her at home, too. Billy did his first magic. He actually Summoned a candy cane from the mantle when I put it up there so he wouldn't spoil his dinner. Fabian and Gideon say it is the earliest they have ever seen someone doing magic." Molly loved the picture that showed her twin brothers holding their nephews in their new jumpers that Christmas. As Molly and Arthur leafed through the book that Molly had written in every Christmas, each new page reminded them of how quickly the time had gone. The three years when Bill and Charlie were their only children were happy ones but extremely busy. Molly barely had time to write short notes each year. Christmas 1973 was- "Arthur took us for a ride in a Muggle one-horse sleigh and the boys sang learned to sing 'Jingle Bells'. They sang for Nana and Papa Weasley at dinner. Charlie can already ride on Billy's Toddler Broom so Father Christmas brought him knee and elbow pads and a helmet. Billy got a Preschool Broom." The only thing written for 1974 was- "Arthur is so busy this year and the boys are so active. It was nice to spend some time together as we listened to Celestina Warbeck's Christmas Eve Special." Nana and Papa Weasley came early in the morning to watch the boys open their presents. They made a big mess but that's what Christmas is about. Granny and Grandpa Prewett came after lunch but didn't stay long. Arthur and I and both boys took a nap as soon as they left. It was a good Christmas." The note on the Christmas 1975 page was- "Christmas was too busy. We took the boys to see Father Christmas at the big toyshop in Diagon Alley. It was so crowded that I felt a little faint. Granny and Grandpa Prewett came over Christmas morning. Fabian and Gideon were doing something for Professor Dumbledore so they couldn't come. Our boys loved their presents. Billy loves books and Charlie loves anything that makes noises. We ate Christmas dinner all by ourselves this year. It seemed time for just our family to celebrate together. The baby was in my Christmas pudding. I will go to see Healer Carroll next week." The pictures for all three years showed Billy in a blue jumper and brown-eyed Charlie in green. They grew taller as they went from toddlers to little boys. There were even fewer sentences written in Christmas Memories for the years 1976, 1977, and 1978. Molly wrote, "Christmas 1976 was stressful. This is Percy's first Christmas. Billy and Charlie got Dragon Pox just after Halloween. They were not too sick but cranky and quarrelsome. Percy has colic and has to be walked around all the time to keep him from screaming. Charlie imitates him and Billy sticks his head under a pillow because he can't stand the noise. Billy lost his first tooth on Christmas Day." There was a picture of two red haired boys waving furiously and a crying baby in Molly's arms. He didn't have much hair at all but what he had was also red. The jumper colors remained constant for Billy and Charlie with Percy wearing the yellow one she had originally made when she thought that Charlie might be a girl. Molly put a navy blue P on it so it would look a bit more masculine. In 1977, Molly wrote "The boys all made ornaments for the tree. Billy's was a wand with red sparks coming out of it while Charlie's was a dragon. Percy's was either a Quaffle or a Bludger but he cried and wouldn't tell us which. Nana and Papa Weasley came by to watch the boys open their presents but they both got headaches and left after just a little while. I needed to lie down so Arthur took the boys out in the snow and made a snowman," The pictures for the first two years were remarkably similar with tall slender smiling Billy, sturdy muscular grinning Charlie, and serious curly haired Percy looking suspiciously at the camera. In 1978, Molly wrote, " It's the first Christmas for Fred and George but I don't have time to write much. The boys liked what Father Christmas brought them. Both Arthur's and my parents came for Christmas dinner. It was busy. Maybe I can write more later." This picture showed identical red-haired twins in bouncing chairs in front of the older boys dressed in their traditional blue, green and yellow jumpers. Their spit-up bibs covered most of Fred and George's red jumpers. They seemed to be in constant motion. The next Christmas the twins were almost nineteen months old and Molly was nearing her third trimester with another child. It was a time of great sadness with many losses to Voldemort's forces. Her entry that year was brief and always caused a pang when she read it. "This has not been a good year for anyone. Terrible things are happening everywhere. We miss Fabian and Gideon so much. It is very difficult to go anywhere because of the Death Eater raids. Billy and Charlie and Percy made a Muggle Gingerbread house but Fred and George made such a fuss that we ate it as soon as it was finished. Giving the twins sugar in any form is extremely dangerous." The picture that year showed Bill holding a toddler in a red jumper with a big F on it. Charlie was missing both front teeth and holding the other twin who had a G on his jumper. Percy scowled at the camera until Molly walked into the picture and pulled him onto what was left of her lap. She looked tired. Ron was nearly ten months old by Christmas of 1980 and Molly wrote quite a bit. "Ronnie is such a good baby. He eats and sleeps and seems to be doing everything earlier than the other boys did. Of course he was full term and not a month early like Fred and George were. The boys got many things to play with from Father Christmas. They were told they could take something that they each wanted at James and Lily Potter's Christmas party. Their six-month old Harry had too many things for one child to play with. I have some very good news. Healer Carroll confirmed that we are expecting. I told Arthur that 'Trying one more time' was the best present that he had ever given me. I just know this one will be our girl. Lily is already trying to make a match with her boy baby." A photographer who was a friend of Ted Tonks took their picture professionally that year. The whole Weasley family was in a big Muggle sleigh. It was a wizard picture so the two older boys and Arthur were pretending to make the non-existent horse run faster. Percy looked out of sorts while Fred and George sleepily leaned into Molly from either side and Ronnie bounced up and down on her lap. Christmas of 1981 was a time of jubilation for the Weasley family. Ginevra Molly Weasley had been born in mid-August. Molly put all of her energy into taking care of their much longed for daughter. The Wizarding world was saddened when Voldemort murdered James and Lily Potter at Halloween. Then Voldemort disappeared when he tried to kill little Harry. Molly and Arthur missed their friends but were relieved that the monster who had killed them and Fabian and Gideon was gone. Arthur, in particular, was worried about Harry living with his mother's sister. Molly had times when she wondered why she felt that she had forgotten something important. The notes about Christmas that year were – "Ginevra is a good baby even though she was even smaller than either of the twins. She is the first Weasley girl since Arthur's twin Great Aunts Martha and Mary, who were born more than eighty years ago. She has her father and brothers wrapped around her little pink finger. Our whole family went to see the Christmas lights in London before going shopping in Diagon Alley. Bill will start Hogwarts next September so this may be the last time all nine of us can celebrate Christmas together. We did everything this year, ornaments, decorated biscuits, listening to Celestina Warbeck's Christmas Eve Special, and opening presents right after breakfast. We continued our tradition of a nap in the afternoon before Christmas dinner." Arthur borrowed a Muggle camera that he could push the start button on and then run into the picture. The resulting photos were still but showed all nine Weasleys with a beaming Molly holding the baby toward the camera to show off her sparse strawberry blonde hair with a pink bow stuck on with Spellotape. Bill started Hogwarts in September of 1982 and came home for Christmas full of stories about the castle and what he was learning. Molly wrote, " I'm so happy Bill is home and our whole family is together. He brought some Honeyduke's chocolate for the whole family. He gave Charlie a miniature of a Hungarian Horntail, which promptly scorched the kitchen table. Arthur got tickets to a special magical Nutcracker on Christmas Eve Day but we were all home in time to listen to Celestina Warbeck's Live Christmas Eve Special. Nana and Papa Weasley and Granny and Grandpa Prewett came for Christmas dinner." The picture that year was taken Christmas Eve while Molly's favorite songstress was singing, 'Wrap me up and tie me up and put me under your Christmas tree'. It showed Bill and Charlie with Fred and George sitting on their shoulders pulling their hair and Percy holding Ron on one knee and Ginny on the other. He kept saying, 'Take the picture fast.' The Christmas comments and pictures for Christmas of 1983 and 1984 were similar. "Bill stayed at Hogwarts this year so we had to send his presents there. Charlie can't wait to go to Hogwarts in September. All the children helped pack Bill's new jumper and some Christmas biscuits. Then they helped decorate biscuits to take over to Amos and Corinne and Ceddie. We listened to the Days of Destiny Special Christmas Program where all the characters talk about everything that has happened to them all year. So many of them suffer from memory loss! I always love to listen to Celestina Warbeck's Christmas Eve Special. Everyone got what he or she wanted from Father Christmas. Ron got his very own Preschool Broom and would not let anyone touch it. Now Ginny wants one next Christmas but I don't want her falling off and hurting herself." All of the children except Bill posed for the yearly picture in their new jumpers in front of the Christmas tree. For 1984, Molly wrote, "Both third year Bill and first year Charlie came home for part of the Christmas holiday. It is so good to be a whole family again. Bill is doing exceptionally well in Charms. Charlie says he likes Care of Magical Creatures best. He's going to try out for the Quidditch team next year. Now Percy can't wait to go off to Hogwarts. The children all liked their presents. Ginny got so excited when she saw what Father Christmas had left her. It was a 'Dance with Me Harry Potter Doll.' She said she is going to sleep with it every night besides dance with it every day. This year all nine Weasleys were in the picture along with three-year old Ginny's Harry Potter Doll. Amos Diggory took several shots and Molly chose the one in which the boys were behaving and no one was buffeting or pummeling anyone else. Both Bill and Charlie stayed at Hogwarts all through the very stormy Christmas of 1985. Molly wrote, "We all miss Bill and Charlie but we had fun making biscuits and ornaments. I always love to listen to Celestina Warbeck's Christmas Eve Special. Percy taught Ginny to read the first page of The Boy Who Lived. The twins and Ron cheered for her when she read it on Christmas Eve. Then Ron asked Percy to teach him to read, too. We had a wonderful Christmas Day with all four of the grandparents coming for Christmas Dinner. " The Christmas picture showed all of them except Bill and Charlie in their new jumpers. Fred and George were standing behind a beaming Percy with Ron on one side and Ginny with her book on the other. The twins took turns putting two fingers behind Percy's head. Everyone was home for the next Christmas holiday. Percy was full of questions for his big brothers about everything that had to do with school. He would be enrolling before next Christmas. As they listened to the Warbeck's Christmas Special and decorated their tree, Molly realized that Bill would be taking his O.W.L.s later in the school year and that it wouldn't be long until he and Charlie were finished with Hogwarts and off on their own. "Where had the years gone?" Molly asked Arthur as they snuggled in bed Christmas night. That year she wrote, "It is such a joy to have everyone home for Christmas. We had a very good Christmas with just our family. Bill and Charlie and Percy went in together to get hats in Gryffindor colors for their little brothers and sister. They said that way the Sorting Hat would know what House to put them in. We are having an Open House for the neighbors on Boxing Day." Amos Diggory came to the Open House with his family and took a very nice picture of all nine Weasleys in front of the tree. Molly chose that to be the picture in 1986. Bill, Charlie, and Percy stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas in 1987. Molly's parents were in increasingly bad health so Molly and Arthur took the rest of the children to the Prewett's on Christmas Day. Auntie Muriel and her two children were also there with her four grandchildren. It was hectic with so many people and Auntie Muriel drank too much champagne at dinner. They took many pictures with Molly's parents and of the aging twins Mary and Muriel and all their offspring. Molly wrote quite a lot in her Christmas Memories book about that day and what had happened. "Our three older sons at Hogwarts did not come home this year. Bill has revisions to do and Charlie has Quidditch practice. He's the Gryffindor Seeker just like Arthur was. Percy is trying to do well enough at Hogwarts that he can get a job at the Ministry. We had a quiet Christmas Eve, decorating the tree and listening to Celestina Warbeck's Christmas Eve Special. Arthur and I took the younger children to Granny and Grandpa Prewett's for Christmas dinner. Auntie Muriel and her children and grandchildren were there. I thought we'd never get finished with the picture taking." Molly chose a picture with Fred and George in their new red jumpers, Ron in his maroon one, and Ginny in pink to put in the book. Molly's parents had passed on by the following Christmas. Molly and Arthur splurged with the sum they received from the sale of the Prewett farm. They bought an International Portkey with hotel rooms and breakfast included for a holiday in Majorca. Head Boy Bill would be finished with Hogwarts in June while Fred and George would enter the following September. Molly wanted the whole family to share a memorable Christmas holiday. They enjoyed the warm sun and splashing in the water at the beach resort. The tiny tree they had in Molly and Arthur's room reminded the parents of their second Christmas together. They toasted the memory of her parents at Christmas dinner and laughed about the last Christmas with them. Molly wrote that year about their holiday and all the activities the children tried. "Arthur and I decided to spend the Galleons we got from selling my parent's farm on a family holiday. We stayed in a lovely Wizarding hotel in Majorca. We were very close to the beach so all we needed to do after breakfast was to cast Sun Protection Charms on everyone and go splashing in the warm water. The boys and Arthur tried sailing and snorkeling. Ginny and I went to the Aquarium and did some shopping. All of us sat on the beach and enjoyed the sunset. We'll always remember this special Christmas." The picture showed nine sunburned Weasleys waving with great vigor in front of the enormous tree in the lobby of the Wizard hotel. There was not a Christmas jumper on any of them. By Christmas of 1989, Bill was off in Egypt finishing his training to be a Curse Breaker for Gringotts while Charlie stayed at Hogwarts to practice with his Quidditch team. Percy said he needed the time to get ahead on his studies, and Fred and George wanted time to explore Hogwarts. Therefore, Molly and Arthur spent a quiet Christmas with just Ron and Ginny. This is what Molly wrote, "Everyone but Ron and Ginny is somewhere else this Christmas. Bill is in Egypt and the rest of the boys are staying at Hogwarts. We sent them their new Christmas jumpers and some biscuits. Ron, Ginny, and I listened to a Days of Destiny marathon while we made decorated Christmas biscuits for their Open House. I began to cry when Fiona talked about being separated from her loved ones at Christmas. Ron and Ginny hugged me and told me that Bill and the rest of their brothers would come home if they could. Arthur arrived from the Ministry in time to suggest an early dinner at the "Peet-za Place" in Ottery St Catchpole. We listened to Celestina Warbeck's New and Improved Christmas Eve Show when we got home. Ron and Ginny seemed to like the presents they got." The picture that year showed just Ron and Ginny in their new jumpers posing in front of the Christmas tree. Bill managed to come home for most of the Christmas holiday the next year. Molly insisted that everyone spend at least a few days at home while he was there. Charlie was Quidditch Captain as well as Seeker and had invitations to try out for a few professional teams. He had already decided to become a Dragon Handler and was interviewing with various Dragon Preserves. He'd leave for one of them when he finished with Hogwarts in June. Molly was afraid that this Christmas would be the last time all seven children would be together. As it turned out, the nine Weasleys were snowed in most of Christmas week. Arthur sometimes watched a Muggle weather report in a small sandwich place near the Ministry so he and Bill had chopped and levitated a tree to the Burrow before the Hogwarts Express brought the students to Kings Cross. Bill told many stories about terrible curses that tombs had placed on them and the treasure that was to be found. He made Egypt sound so interesting that they all wanted to go there. Molly wrote, " Bill came home from Egypt and all nine of us were together for Christmas. Charlie says he is going to become a Dragon Handler as soon as he is finished Hogwarts. The rest of the boys say they are going to get ahead on their studies while they are home. Ron and Ginny are thrilled to have all their older brothers home. Arthur and I are also. It is a good thing that Arthur and Bill cut our tree before it started snowing. It didn't stop for days. Our whole family played many games, popped corn, and made biscuits and candy while we had to remain inside. Everyone was glad to put on new jumpers over the ones they were already wearing on Christmas morning. Boxing Day dawned clear and the children had snow battles that lasted all day. No one had ever seen so much snow at the Burrow. Bill had to leave on New Years Day but all of us stayed up to wish each other a Happy 1991." The picture that year showed all seven children looking unusually sturdy dressed in layers and layers of jumpers. Ginny was the only child home to help Molly with the preparations for Christmas the next year. Ron had joined the twins and Prefect Percy at Hogwarts. They all asked to stay over the Christmas holiday. Ron had made friends with Harry Potter and wanted to keep him company. Bill was very busy being a Curse Breaker in Egypt but arranged an International Portkey so that Molly, Arthur, and Ginny could spend Christmas with a very homesick Charlie in Romania. Molly and Ginny had to work very hard to get everything made to send to all of the boys. Ginny learned to knit so she could help start the knitting needles. She also helped with the baking. She and Molly spent hours cooking and listening to Days of Destiny. Their trip to an active Dragon Preserve was exciting. Molly wrote, "Ron is at Hogwarts with his brothers and I am Home Schooling Ginny for one more year. This time next year, she'll be gone, too. Bill gave us an International Portkey so we could see Charlie and learn about what he does there. Ginny and I had to hurry to get everything finished for the boys at Hogwarts. Romania is very cold and the dragons are either very big or very scary. We helped decorate the dining hall so it would look more festive for Christmas. One of the other Dragon Handlers let us listen to a recording of Celestina Warbeck's Christmas Eve Show. It was almost like being home and I started to cry. Charlie gave everyone dragon hide boots." The picture that year showed a tanned Charlie hugging Ginny in her new cream jumper in front of the tree in the dining hall of the Dragon Preserve. Molly and Arthur found themselves alone for the first time in more than twenty years when Ginny entered Hogwarts. Molly missed her children and the hustle and bustle of family life but found that there were also many advantages to an "empty nest". Her plans for Christmas changed abruptly when Bill wrote that his excellent Curse Breaking was being rewarded by Gringotts with two round-trip International Portkeys. He suggested that they come and visit him in Egypt during the Christmas holiday. Molly was thrilled and she and Arthur arranged for the children to remain at Hogwarts. She managed to get all the jumpers knitted and bake all the treats for everyone long before Christmas. In 1992, the comments in Molly's Christmas Memories were- "I almost don't believe that we have spent two Christmases in a row away from home. Bill sent us an International Portkey to come to see him in Egypt. It was hectic getting ready to go but Percy and the twins will see to it that Ron and Ginny have a family Christmas. So here we are in toasty warm Cairo seeing the sights and shopping in the Bazaar. I bought some lovely material for my Witches and Stitches Group. Arthur and I really need a new quilt. Bill has many friends but doesn't seem to have yet found the special someone for him." A colleague of Bill took a picture of short Molly standing between her tall husband and even taller oldest son. She couldn't talk Bill into wearing his Christmas jumper with his short trousers. Molly and Arthur were so concerned by Ginny's nearly fatal mistaken trust during her first year that they insisted that she come home over the Christmas holidays in 1994. Percy wrote that he was overwhelmed with his responsibility as Head Boy so he was eager to have a chance to get ahead in his class work. Fred and George also wanted to work on a few projects at the Burrow but Ron wrote that he and Harry and Hermione were doing a special project for Hagrid and needed to stay at Hogwarts. Arthur and Molly asked Professor Dumbledore if Harry and Hermione could come for part of the holiday but he said that Harry was safer at Hogwarts. Molly wrote, "Bill is in Egypt, Charlie is in Romania, and Ron is working on a special project at Hogwarts with his friends. However, the rest of the children are home with us for the whole Christmas holiday. There's plenty of snow so the twins and Ginny are having a delightful time playing in it. They even got Percy out one day. We made biscuits while listening to Days of Destiny and Bedside at St Brigid's and decorated the tree listening to Celestina Warbeck's Christmas Eve Special. The picture that year was of Percy, Fred, George, and Ginny in front of a massive snow fort they had built. They had on their Weasley jumpers and matching hats with braided ends. The Triwizard Tournament was being held at Hogwarts the following year so all of the children at Hogwarts stayed during the Christmas holidays so they could attend the Yule Ball. Neville Longbottom had invited Ginny so Molly was glad that she had a lightly used dress with a long skirt to wear. Molly had been able to get nearly new Dress Robes for the twins but knew that Ron was unhappy with the only ones she could afford that were long enough for him. Percy had used his first paycheck from the Department of International Magical Cooperation to buy new official Ministry Work Robes. He later bought a set of Dress Robes because he had to be at the Yule Ball in some official capacity. He would not be home for Christmas. Molly wrote, "We thought we'd be alone for Christmas with the three older boys working and the three younger boys and Ginny staying at Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament Yule Ball. Then Charlie surprised us by appearing on the doorstep two days before Christmas. He said that he had been checking at Hogwarts to be sure they had restored the environment where the dragons had been for the First Task. He can be home for four days. He helped Arthur cut a very nice tree and put most of the ornaments on it. He gave Arthur some very fine dragon hide gloves and gave me a recording of Celestina Warbeck's Christmas Eve Special from last year. That's when she was staying at the home of Father Christmas. I think it was better than the one broadcast this Christmas Eve." Arthur borrowed the Muggle camera with the delay button again so all three of them could be in the picture. It took a whole roll of the filmy stuff to get Arthur in the picture. He almost looked like he was moving because he was blurred. Both Arthur and Molly grew uncomfortable as they read the notes Molly had written about Christmas 1995. Voldemort was coming back into power but not everyone was convinced of his return. They were very involved in the Order that was trying to stop him. Molly had been at Hogwarts when Harry brought back the body of Amos and Corinne's son, Cedric. There was a huge family disagreement and Percy distanced himself from his family and moved out. Molly and Arthur were terribly worried about him. Bill had transferred to the Gringotts in London but that was about the only good thing that had happened all year. It had been bad enough having to move from the Burrow into Sirius Black's London house in the summer. However, what happened at Christmas was even worse. While Arthur was guarding something both secret and important at the Ministry, a giant snake bit him three times and he barely escaped with his life. Molly wrote in her Christmas book- "I do not know what to write except that I am so relieved that Arthur will be all right. We had to leave the Burrow and have been living at the Order headquarters with Sirius Black. He tried to make it a Merry Christmas with decorations and singing and was so happy to be with his godson Harry. Then a big snake bit Arthur at the Ministry and he nearly died. Harry's vision about the attack saved his life. It was the best present of all when he came home." The picture taken at St Mungo's on Christmas Day was depressing. Arthur looked gravely ill. Molly was clutching Ginny and Harry on one side of his bed. Fred, George, and Ron were on the other side and were so serious and pale that their freckles stood out starkly. The next Christmas, the Order thought it was safe for the Weasley family to be back at the Burrow. Perhaps because she had been so shaken by the attack on Arthur, Molly began to search bookstores for copies of an out of print book- Christmas Memories. She wanted to give one to each child for the first Christmas after they were married. She knew that Bill was very likely to propose to a young woman he had first seen when she was a Champion at the Triwizard Tournament. It took her many trips to obscure bookstores before she found enough copies. Molly wrote quite a long passage for Christmas 1986- "We are finally back home at the Burrow. Arthur and Bill have strengthened the wards so we are safe. Bill is engaged to a very beautiful young woman from France. Her name is Fleur Delacour and she attended Beauxbaton but now works at Gringotts in London. She is spending Christmas with us. Ron's friend Harry Potter is here with us, too. I wish that Charlie could come home from Romania so almost all of the children would be home for Christmas. We all listened to Celestina Warbeck's Christmas Eve Special. It was wonderful. She sang some of the songs that were popular when Arthur and I were young. Although Percy refused our invitation to Christmas dinner and sent back the jumper that I hand knitted for him, he showed up at dinnertime on Christmas Day with Rufus Scrimgeour, the Minister of Magic. It is a shame that our children no longer get along. Even Harry was not friendly to either Percy or Minister Scrimgeour." The Christmas picture for 1996 showed Bill, Fleur, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, and Harry. All but Fleur were wearing Weasley Christmas jumpers. Molly and Arthur grew very quiet as they silently read the terse comment on the page that was titled Christmas 1997. "This is the worst of times with Voldemort in total control. We all fear for our lives. He controls the Ministry and Hogwarts. Ron came back a broken man from wherever he had been with Harry and Hermione. Ginny is suffering at Hogwarts every day. About the only good thing that has happened since last Christmas is that Bill and Fleur are married. Now they are in hiding, too. It does not feel like Christmas." The only picture from that year showed a gaunt and exhausted looking Ron and a somber Ginny with dark circles under her eyes. It was taken Christmas Eve after they had listened to Potterwatch with Fred, George, and their friend Lee Jordan. Ron disappeared before breakfast on Christmas morning and they were sure he had rejoined Harry and Hermione in hiding. The next Christmas was a marked contrast. Although they were still in mourning Fred, the family gathered at the expanded and refurbished Burrow. Ron and Harry brought Ginny home from the Hogwarts Express but Hermione continued to her home to be with her parents who were finally back from Australia with restored memories. Charlie was visiting with Percy and George so he came home with them after Weasley's Wizard Wheezes closed Christmas Eve. Molly was delighted to have so many family members come for Christmas. She wrote, "We will never be able to forget our Fred, but this has been the best Christmas we have had in years. Charlie is visiting with Percy and George at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes but came here for Christmas Eve. Ron and Ginny and Harry have been here for days. All of us listened to Celestina Warbeck's Christmas Eve Show. It was excellent. Hermione and her parents came for Christmas dinner, as did Percy's fiancée, Penny Clearwater, along with Bill and his wife. Fleur is glowing as she completes her first trimester carrying their son. Bill hovered over her all during their Christmas Day visit. Of course, Fleur found the little baby in her small portion of Christmas pudding. I expected Penny to find a gold ring in hers but was surprised when both Charlie and George bit into rings, as well. If the Christmas pudding is to be believed, they will court and marry in 1999." Hermione's father, Hugo Granger, took many pictures of different combinations of everyone here. He gave a set of the Muggle prints to Molly and she chose one that had their six remaining children along with the special person for four of them. As she put it in Christmas Memories, she wondered again about Charlie and George finding their special someone. Molly and Arthur spent a quiet Christmas Eve in 2000. They decorated their tree while listening once more to Molly's favorite singer. It had been a hectic week because Charlie and Kathleen Pen sent an owl saying they had eloped so that they'd be married before their son arrived in January. Molly and Arthur immediately bought an open ended International Portkey to go to Romania when the baby came. They continued their tradition of exchanging stocking presents in bed Christmas morning and were not yet dressed when Bill and Fleur arrived with their first grandchild, six months old Philippe. Percy and Penny, who were spending their first Christmas Eve together as a married couple, also arrived early. Penny helped Molly with last minute preparations for Christmas dinner. Since George and Padma Patil were being married New Years Eve, they were eating Christmas dinner with her parents. Ron and Harry had only Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off from Auror training so they were the last to arrive with Hermione and Ginny on their arms. Ron and Hermione had joined Jane and Hugo Granger for Brunch. Harry and Ginny had spent Christmas morning with Harry's toddler godson, Teddy Lupin, and his Grandma, Andromeda Tonks. Ron and Harry said that their training was rigorous but not quite what they had expected. They were surprised at how much paperwork had to be done. Neither of them liked that aspect of the job. Hermione had started working at the Ministry with Arthur and Percy as soon as she finished Hogwarts so she talked with them while Ginny explained to everyone that she had yet to play in a Holyhead Harpies game but was training hard. During dinner, a triumphant Fleur tapped on her water glass and announced, "Unlike all the other wives of Weasley men, I have only borne one son before being able to break the curse of so few girl babies. I 'ave been victorious so our little girl will be named Victoire." Everyone clapped at the news. Molly wrote, "I thought last Christmas was the best one Arthur and I had ever had but this year is so wonderful and exciting I almost can't bear it. We still miss our Fred and I think of him every day. Our children are all grown and working at jobs they chose. Bill is still a Curse Breaker at the London branch of Gringotts, is married to a wonderful and loyal woman, and is the father of a son and expecting a daughter. Charlie travels all over the world studying dragons, has married a charming women who writes, and is about to become the father of a son. Percy and Penny chose each other many years ago at Hogwarts. He loves his job at the Ministry and she is a Healer at St Mungo's. Penny's portion of the Christmas pudding contained a baby, so she and Percy were teased about needing to leave early. George is a success in the company he and Fred founded and will marry Padma Patil, a twin who understands and appreciates him, in less than one week. Ron is still training to be an Auror but I suspect that he will eventually choose another career. He has always been the handiest of our sons. Sometimes he reminds me of my brothers; they could fix anything. He is fortunate to have a brilliant girlfriend who loves him and has a job at the Ministry. Ginny is on a professional Quidditch team but has loved Harry since they met at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters when they were just ten and eleven. Now he loves her as much as she loves him. I think he is happier with the duties of an Auror than Ron is. Our family is growing and changing but is stronger than ever in affection for each other." The picture that Molly put in the Christmas Memory book showed four couples- Bill and Fleur holding Philippe, Percy and Penny, Ron and Hermione, and Harry and Ginny. When she and Arthur returned from Romania in mid-January 2001, Molly added a picture of George and Padma in their wedding robes and one of newborn Leo with Charlie and Kathleen. The next Christmas was also memorable. Molly and Arthur spent a quiet evening together listening to what Molly was sure was just a recording of a Christmas special from another year. They had chosen a small tree this year so it didn't take long to decorate and they were in bed earlier than usual. They cuddled for a while after opening their stockings the next morning and then waited for their children to arrive to open Christmas presents and share dinner. This year they had two more grandchildren to love. Victoire was an unusually beautiful seven-month-old girl but Molly's heart was completely taken by Penny and Percy's three-month-old Prewett. They surprised her by using her family name for their first-born. She was sure he looked exactly like the pictures of his great uncles when they were his age. George and Padma came to dinner at the Burrow this year since they had agreed that they would alternate between parents. Ron proposed to Hermione on Christmas Eve at the same time that Harry was giving Ginny his mother's engagement ring. Ron and Hermione had no wedding plans yet but Harry and Ginny wanted to be married as soon as their schedules permitted. They brought three-and-a half year-old Teddy along to dinner with them. He played with Philippe for a while but then asked Fleur if he could play with 'Wik-wah'. They looked into each other's eyes with such intensity that it gave Molly a tingle. Teddy turned his hair the same strawberry blonde color as hers and she reached out to grab his hand. Molly wrote, "Christmas is a time for children and family. Each year keeps getting better and better. Philippe is so handsome and smart. Victoire is the most beautiful little girl in the world. Prewett reminds me of Fabian and Gideon every time I see him. Maybe next year Charlie and Kathleen will being Leo to see us. Ron and Hermione and Harry and Ginny are engaged. It will be such fun to plan their weddings. No babies showed up in anyone's Christmas pudding this year but everyone laughed when Harry bit into a gold ring." The picture that year was of the families and of couples about to become families. Bill and Fleur held Philippe and Victoire. Percy and Penny looked lovingly at Prewett. George and Padma and Ron and Hermione sat with arms around each other. Teddy sat between Harry and Ginny with his hair changing from Potter black to Weasley red. Harry and Ginny were married Christmas Eve 2002. Anyone who was important in the Wizarding World came to give magically enhanced good wishes to the happy couple. The entire Weasley family joined to welcome "The Chosen One". There were many jokes about Ginny having chosen him as soon as she could say "Hay-wee Pott-a". Molly and Arthur were delighted to host the wedding and reception in Hogwarts' Great Hall. Three year-old Leo and two-and-a-half year old Prewett escorted Molly to her seat and sat in the front row with her. They wore miniature versions of the same Dress Robes that all of the males in the wedding were wearing. Hermione was Ginny's Maid of Honor and Ron was Harry's best man. All of the Weasley brothers and green velvet clad sisters-in-law were the attendants, entering in reverse birth order so that Fleur and Bill were the farthest from the center. Teddy Lupin carried the ring Harry would give Ginny and Philippe carried the ring for Harry. They walked protectively on either side of nineteen-month-old Victoire carrying a basket full of red rose petals. She stopped dropping them as soon as she saw her mother. She toddled quickly to her while Teddy and Philippe went to stand next to Bill. Arthur escorted Ginny in a simple cream dress and veil down the aisle and she kissed him and her mother before taking Harry's hand. The wedding was simple but elegant. The shower of magical sparks from the wands of the witches and wizards in attendance surrounding the bride and groom rivaled a Weasley Wizard Wheezes fireworks display. The bridal party had posed for many pictures before the ceremony so the celebration could begin as soon as Harry kissed his bride. The House Elves prepared an excellent dinner with many toasts. Dancing and the cutting of the cake followed. Hermione caught Ginny's bouquet although Gabrielle Delacour managed to leap higher than she did. Ron seemed surprised to catch Ginny's garter and took considerable teasing. Harry and Ginny were staying in the very best guest accommodations at Hogwarts before leaving on a round the world honeymoon the next day. All of the Weasleys and the Delacour family and Andromeda Tonks and Teddy were staying in less opulent guest rooms for the night. They had a Brunch and exchanged Christmas presents next morning before Harry and Ginny left. Molly tried to keep her comments short enough that they would fit on one page. "Last night was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to. It made all the preparation worthwhile. It seems as though we have done nothing but get ready for the wedding all year. Ginny had definite ideas about the colors, "just green and cream", the style of her gown and the bridesmaids' dresses, "simple but classic", the flowers "cream lilies", and the food, "small portions, elegantly prepared". The wedding was perfect and our whole family was together again. I know that Fred was smiling down. He always was very fond of Harry. Christmas was almost an afterthought. We had a sumptuous Brunch and opened our presents. The little ones were relieved that Father Christmas got their letters telling him to bring theirs to Hogwarts. Ginny said she would treasure their Christmas Memories as much as Arthur and I have for thirty-four years. I could not help crying when Harry and Ginny left. Arthur says that he thinks we will have another wedding soon. George and Padma tried to cheer me up by telling us that they now know that their baby due the end of May is actually twin girls. Fleur took all the credit for being victorious in breaking the Weasley Curse. It will be so nice to have twins in the family again. We stayed at Hogwarts for dinner and Ron and Hermione both bit into rings in the Christmas pudding while Padma, Penny, and Kathleen found babies. Who knows what our family will be like next Christmas?" The Christmas Memories book was adaptable enough to make room for several pictures that Christmas. Molly chose one of the entire bridal party in their wedding attire. She put in another picture with everyone in the extended Weasley family; which included the Delacour family, Mr and Mrs Clearwater, Minister and Professor Patil, Dr and Dr Granger, and Andromeda Tonks and Teddy Lupin. She also put in pictures of each couple with their spouse and child or children and one with just the six Weasley children in their Christmas jumpers. The book still had many pages to fill.
My beloved Beta Trelawney2213 took time from her busy Christmas Holiday to get this in great shape. Yea Gerry! |