Author: snowflake24 Story: 1:The Best Kiss Rating: Young Teens Setting: Post-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 22 Words: 1,620 I do wish that I owned the Harry Potter world but alas I am not secretly J.K. I am not making any sort of profit from this, unless you review. Then I am gaining happiness! So if you could review… I would be happy! :-) Ginny was finishing writing a review of the previous Quidditch match, when a beautiful black owl flew through the window and landed on the perch. She recognised it as her daughter Lily's owl, Mercury. Ginny reached up and grabbed the tin of owl treats which once held numerous chocolate frogs and gave one to Mercury. She hooted and flew upstairs to Lily's room. Ginny opened the envelope and read her daughter's letter.
Dear Mum, Heya! Listened to the match yesterday, Holyhead Harpies win again! I was gloating to James about it but his only defence was that Puddlemere United didn't have their best Chaser or Seeker on the team. I suppose he has a point, but he can't know that. I spotted Rose and Scorpius kissing yesterday — oh god! Don't tell Uncle Ron. Although personally, what's wrong with being with a Ravenclaw? Al was quite shocked; he ended up grabbing me and pulling us into the common room. He said he was shielding me and then he ran over to talk to Roxanne. I still don't get what the big problem is. It's not like he's in Slytherin. I asked Rose, and she said that the first kiss isn't always the best and I wanted to know what the best kiss of your life was? Was it yours and Dad's first kiss or a different one. Luv, Lily X Ginny smiled. She grabbed her quill and a spare bit of parchment and replied straight away. Dear Lils, And you doubted they wouldn't? The Harpies always win. In reply to your question, the best kiss of my life wasn't mine and your dad's first kiss. Don't get me wrong, it was a good kiss but the best kiss was the one after the final battle. I suppose it was because it was our first kiss that could lead somewhere. Your dad wasn't being targeted by Voldemort anymore and we both had a chance of having a future together. And what do you mean — what's wrong with being with a Ravenclaw? Do you have your eye on a Ravenclaw? Scorpius is Draco Malfoy's son — enter big problem.
Luv, Mum X Ginny gave the message to Mercury and went downstairs. She re-read the letter and it struck a recollection. * The Battle was done. Voldemort was finished and she was still alive. Ginny was climbing the stairs to the Gryffindor Tower. Her feet ached, her arms ached, everything ached — especially her heart. Her heart ached to see him safe, ached to touch him, to make sure he was really there. It ached to be back with him and fill the empty void in her that had been present ever since he had gone. It ached to be mended and no longer broken. She approached the painting of the Fat Lady who was currently celebrating the only way she knew — drinking gallons of alcohol with her friend Violet. "I don't know the password," Ginny admitted wearily. It was bound to have changed after she left for Easter and went into hiding. "Show me a token." The Fat Lady screeched — obviously the effects of too much drinking. Ginny stood there confused. A token? A token of what? She shoved her hands in her pockets and her fingers grazed on something hard and cold. She closed her hand round it and brought it out her pocket. It was her DA coin. Smiling, Ginny showed it to the Fat Lady. "Is that ok?" Her smile seemed foreign on her face amongst the grief. "You may go in." The portrait door swung open. She stumbled through the portrait hole and, without looking where she was going, lost her footing on the rug and collided with someone approaching the door. She closed her eyes bracing for impact which was softened by someone underneath her. "I'm so sorry," she gasped, opening her eyes. Of course, the situation was made worse because she had happened to fall on top of Harry. He brought his hand to the back of his head and rubbed where it had connected with the hard wooden floor. Ginny felt her face flare up as it had so many years ago when she was in Harry's presence. He opened his eyes and smiled ever so slightly. "Heya, Harry," she said, her throat dry. "Heya, Gin," he whispered. She had thought that she would be incredibly happy to hear his voice again, which she was. Yet, her joy and relief was hidden under a surge of fury that reminded her of her mother. She quickly rose to her feet. He stood up and she noticed how much weight he had lost, yet how toned his body was thanks to all the duelling, running and action he had had to do. His eyes seemed to be genuinely happy she was there. His hair was longer and messier than it had been on the day of that magical kiss in her room on his birthday. After she realised that, overall, he was okay, she decided to let rip in the style of a true Prewett — just like her mother. "Well I'm still alive, unlike the belief of many. So I can actually look after myself — who knew?" She became aware that sarcasm clung to every syllable. "Ginny I —" "So I really don't need to be mollycoddled." "Gin —" "And how dare you walk past me to your death without saying goodbye to me! How dare you think about dying!" "GINNY!" "What?!" Ginny shouted back at him, her hair flying everywhere, probably giving her the look of someone insane. "Can you let me explain myself before you scream at me?" "No!" The tone in her voice suggested otherwise. "If I stopped to say goodbye to you, I never could have done it. You would have reminded me of all the wonders and joy life could bring. I had to die — because of the Horcrux." Ginny stood there shocked, until she realised that she had no idea what Horcruxes were. "And a Horcrux is...?" she asked. "Oh! I forgot. You don't know about that, do you?" "Harry, are you forgetting who you're talking to?" She felt her eyes narrow into dangerous little slits. "Sorry." He grinned sheepishly. He pulled her to the sofa and, despite her mind telling her she was angry with him, she lay her head on his lap and immediately he began stroking her hair. They sat there, uninterrupted, for a whole hour while she let him talk about everything. When he got to how he went to the forest, she started to cry but kept it quiet so he could continue. Tears fell down her cheeks and when he spoke about her being his last thought before death, she cried even more. "So there you go." He spoke with finality. She couldn't answer for the tears were flowing too much. He looked at her face and whispered, "Are you okay?" "You died. The answer is no." She laughed softly. "So how was your year?" How to answer? The past year had been terrible. She still had scars from the torture-like detentions. She had been locked in the dungeon for a whole day because of: "Miss Weasley, what were you doing with the Sword of Gryffindor?" Were you going to take it to Harry Potter?" "Yep, in a nutshell." "Are you aware that Mr Potter is Undesirable Number 1?" "Not to me." She let a small giggle escape her lips. He gave her a strange look with an adoring smile. Her face turned serious and she gave him a questioning look. "Where do we go from here?" Harry smiled down at her. "What?" she asked. "Well, I don't know what your plans are but I plan on asking a certain someone out." Ginny grinned, her first proper grin in ages. "Well, I plan on saying yes to a certain someone." It was almost as though they were back at last summer and without conscious thought, Ginny kissed him. All the problems in the world seemed to melt away at the smallest touch and a light entered the room that was never there before. It brought the promise of a happy future filled with family and friends. "Ahem." Ginny broke away from Harry to see Ron: The Interrupter of All Intimate Moments. He was trying his best to look revolted but his smile was evident. "Can I sit on the sofa?" he asked, his smile looking foreign on his grief-stricken face. Harry and Ginny budged up on the sofa and smiled at each other, promising a better future than their past… * Ginny walked into the living room, where she saw Harry reading The Quibbler. She stood there absorbing the scene, noticing the way he lounged on the armchair, how every so often he absentmindedly ruffled his hair a little. "So do you plan on watching me from the door all day?" he asked, making her jump out of her skin. He turned around, smiling at her discomfort. She smirked back at him and tossed the letter to him and he picked it up. As he read the letter, he started to laugh until he got to the line 'What's wrong with a Ravenclaw anyway?' "What does she mean? Is she going out with a Ravenclaw?" He looked at Ginny, desperate for her to contradict him. She kissed him, laughing. He always was protective. |