Author: OHGinnyfan Story: The Homecoming Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: WIP Reviews: 3 Words: 52,764
This is a continuation of "Letters From Ginny" and "Letters From Harry." You should read both of those pieces first before beginning this one. A/N: of course the characters are not mine, they belong to JK Rowling. A great big thank you to her for creating such a great world to play in. The prologue is set the day before Harry leaves. Prologue 29 September "Ginny, I'm home!" Harry yelled as he walked through the living room, looking for his wife. "I'm in here, Love!" Ginny called from the kitchen. "You're home early!" Harry walked into the kitchen of their cottage home and leaned against the doorframe, taking in the sight of his wife of five years. She was a beautiful woman with long, flowing red hair that was currently tied back in a hair ribbon, and large, lovely brown eyes. Her eyes were one of his favourite features. They were always very soulful and expressive. She was currently cutting up vegetables for their dinner that evening. He walked over to her, and kissed her on the cheek. Ginny looked up, smiled, and asked, "What's up? Why are you home so early?" "What? Can't I come home early to enjoy the company of my lovely, pregnant wife?" Ginny, who was currently twelve weeks pregnant with their first child, laughed. "That would be wonderful, if it were true. Now tell me, what is the real reason you're home so early?" "Well…I-have-to-go-out-on-assignment-again," Harry mumbled and looked at his feet. Ginny looked up again at Harry. Did he just say what she thought he said? He has to go out on assignment, again? "Harry," Ginny began slowly, in order to keep her temper in check. "Did I hear you correctly? You have to go on assignment again?" Harry looked up and nodded. His green eyes were full of sadness. He didn't want to go any more than Ginny wanted him to. Truth be told, Harry was tired of going out in the field. He wanted nothing more than to be able to come home every night to his wife and soon-to-be child, and live a quiet existence. But trouble seemed to follow Harry, and until all the Death Eaters were arrested, he and Ginny would probably never have a quiet existence. "Harry, you just got back from a month-long assignment, two weeks ago. What is the Ministry playing at? Are you the only Auror they can send out on assignment?" Harry sighed. He knew his news wouldn't go over well with Ginny. And frankly, he didn't know what to say to her to make it any better. He didn't want to go, and that made coming up with reasons for this trip even harder. "Do you know where you're going, or how long you'll be gone? No, wait, I forgot. We're talking about the Ministry here. They haven't told you anything, have they?" Ginny's temper was definitely showing, and although she wasn't directly angry at Harry, it was hard for her not to let it out. "Nope, not a word. I'm hoping that this trip is no longer than a month though." Harry turned her away from the counter before gathering her up in his arms and kissing her gently on the lips. "You know, Gin," he whispered in her ear, "I don't want to go. I don't want to leave you, especially in your condition. Ginny looked up into his eyes and could tell just by looking at him what he said was true. She sighed. "I know, I know. You never do get a choice in this matter, do you? When do you leave?" "Tomorrow. Early-about half past five. "Really? So soon?" Ginny's voice was now sad. She hated it when Harry was gone, and she hated it even more now that she was pregnant. She wanted Harry home with her, helping her get through this awful morning sickness that lasted all day and the exhaustion that never let up. Harry nodded. "We have tonight, though. Why don't we make the most of it, after we eat?" "And just what do you have in mind, Mr. Potter?" Ginny said, raising her eyebrow. "Well, Mrs. Potter, let's eat, and you will find out." ************************* Their last night together was spent in each other's arms, enjoying the passion they so often shared. They wanted this night to be memorable for both of them, in order to get through the time they'd be apart. Harry held Ginny tight, while she cried at the thought of him leaving. Ever since she'd found out she was pregnant, she had been much more emotional. He quieted her sobs with gentle, calming words, and applied kisses to her temple. He rubbed her back, and as it was his custom, he rubbed her stomach. He spoke softly to her belly, so that the baby would hear his voice before he left. They spent most of the night awake, until Harry rose at half-past four to shower and pack his things. Ginny pulled on her dressing gown when it was time for him to go, and walked him downstairs to their living room. Harry pulled her close and whispered, "Gin, I love you; you know that. I'll miss you more than anything." Tears began to well up in Ginny's eyes again and spill down her cheeks. "I know, Harry," she choked out, "I know. I love you too, and I'll miss you terribly." "Be careful, Gin. Don't go anywhere alone, and have people here to visit as much as possible. I'd feel a lot better knowing that your family was keeping an eye on you." "I don't think you'll have to worry about that," Ginny said. "I'm sure the boys will keep careful watch over me, and when they aren't here, I am sure Mum and Dad will be. Don't worry. We'll be just fine." Ginny rubbed her still flat stomach as she spoke. Harry leaned down to her belly and stroked it with his hands. "Good-bye Little One. I'll be back soon. Mummy will take good care of you while I'm gone. I love you and your Mummy very much." Harry kissed her stomach and straightened back up. Ginny smiled and placed her hands around his neck. As she was playing with his hair, she said, "You know I'll write letters." "You know you can't send them." "I know, but they'll be here waiting for you when you get back. It'll be sort of a pregnancy diary for you to read." "That'll give me something to look forward while I'm gone. Well, that and seeing you again. I'll try to write to you, too, if I have time." "I know you'll try." Ginny paused and looked Harry directly in the eye. "Harry, be careful. I know you can take care of yourself, but for pity's sake, be careful. I want you to come back in one piece. No, I need you to come back in one piece "I promise, Sweetheart; I'll be careful. I'd better go." Harry leaned down and gave his wife one last hug and kiss before he walked out their door and apparated to the Ministry of Magic in London. As tears continued to roll down her face, Ginny watched him leave the house and disappear. She turned and went upstairs to begin her time without her beloved husband. ************************************** Please read and review. I am new at this, and need all the feedback I can get. A/N: A huge thank you to my pre-betas Jen and Julie, and to Julie for being my official beta at PS, in addition to pre-betaing. These two ladies have been a god-send to this writer, who hadn't written anything creatively for over twenty years. They have definitely helped me improve my grammar and sentence structure, in addition to teaching me a thing or two about quotation marks.