Ginny Potter eyed her husband of three years warily. She understood that it was Saturday and that they were supposed to be taking advantage of the weekend to spend some time together and unwind. But in her current state of mind she was anything but relaxed, and Harry didn’t even seem to notice. It was actually quite maddening to watch him sit there, looking so serene, while inside her mind emotions were whirling. Was he really so oblivious to his wife’s current state of anxiety? There was only one way to find out...
“I’m thinking about retiring.”
Harry dropped the latest issue of the Daily Prophet that he was reading and looked up from his breakfast. He stared at his wife with his mouth agape, the classic picture of shock.
“Gin, are you serious?”
She responded silently with a firm stare that bordered on a glower. Harry knew this look a little too well and pulled back from the table raising both hands, palms facing away from him in a motion of surrender.
“I’m sorry. It’s just that it seems a little out of the blue, and the season starts in two weeks!”
Ginny sighed in frustration as she turned her face towards the window, looking for answers where she knew there were none. She carelessly tucked a stray lock of ginger colored hair behind her right ear and turned back to Harry, carefully avoiding looking directly into his bright green eyes by taking a sip of her tea before replying.
“I’m sorry too. That was unfair of me... I realize it seems a little sudden, but I’ve actually been thinking about it since last season ended.”
“I thought things were going well with the Harpies.”
“They are, and that’s part of what’s making this decision so difficult. The other Chasers and I are really starting to work well together; I think we could really contend for the Cup this season and even next season too if everyone stays healthy. Plus, the idea of walking away from Quidditch after dreaming about it for so long...”
“Then why walk away? If you’re looking for a break, there’s no need to retire. Just take a season off and come back to the team when you’re ready. Gwenog will probably ask you to try out again when you come back to make sure you’re still in good form, but that shouldn’t be a problem.” Harry took a sip from his cup before continuing, “Now that I think about it, a break could be just what you need. What with you joining the Harpies right after graduating, your life has been pretty chaotic for just about six years straight if you include the end of your time at Hogwarts.”
Ginny turned back to Harry, her eyebrow arched knowingly and a hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth.
“And what about you, Mr. Auror? Half of the Order took a much needed break after the last battle. But the Boy-Who-Lived-Again had to make sure every last Death Eater was captured and accounted for.”
Harry pursed his lips into a slight frown, as his eyes turned downward towards a random spot on the table.
“We’ve been over this before, Gin. What was the good of defeating Tom—”
“‘...if his followers were free to continue his work unchecked.’ Yes, we’ve been over this before, and I told you I’ve already come to terms with your over-developed sense of nobility.”
“Then what’s the real issue here?”
“When I walk away from Quidditch, I’m not going back.”
“‘When?’ What happened to ‘If?’”
Ginny paused before replying, her voice almost a whisper. “Caught that, did you?” She looked down momentarily and exhaled before reconnecting with her husband’s gaze. “You’re right, of course. I guess I’ve already come to the realization that the real question is, indeed, ‘When?’”
Harry tried to process everything his wife had just revealed to him, then tilted his head to the side as he latched on to a new thought. “Well, maybe you could answer another question for me before I help you with that one.”
“Go on.”
Ginny hesitated before opening her mouth. The internal struggle she had been dealing with for weeks finally came to a head, and she made her decision. She lovingly took her husband’s hands into her own and stared at him fixedly. Harry, for his own part, noticed the change in his wife’s lovely chocolate eyes and sat up a little straighter because he knew her next words were going to be important. He wasn’t disappointed.
“I want a baby.”
Harry opened his mouth as if to say something, but didn’t. He looked downward for a moment as if trying to sort his thoughts, then calmly removed his hands from his wife’s grasp and picked up the newspaper, hiding his face from her view.
Ginny’s face fell. She thought he would be happy. Actually, she thought he would be ecstatic. There were times when he couldn’t stop talking about having a family of their own one day. The only reason she had delayed telling him what was on her mind was because she had to come to terms with retiring from Quidditch for herself. She could feel tears starting to well up in her eyes and was about to excuse herself to the bedroom when she heard Harry’s voice call out from behind the paper.
“It’s about bloody time.”
Eyes ablaze, Ginny reached across the table and tore down Harry’s cover only to find his most mischievous smirk waiting for her.
“You bloody prat! I actually thought you were upset! I should take a Bludger to your bits for that!”
Despite her fury, Harry could only laugh in delight. He replaced the paper onto the table and motioned to her to come to him. When she didn’t, his expression immediately changed to one of atonement.
“Please, Ginny.”
Still scowling, she reluctantly navigated around the table and sat on his lap. Harry wrapped one arm around his wife’s waist and nuzzled her neck. His other hand calmingly ran up and down her back. Eventually, he felt her soften and he raised his face to make eye contact.
“Please don’t be mad, Gin. I guess I was so happy, I lost my head.”
Ginny eyed him coolly. “So you’re all right with this then?”
Harry reached up with one hand to caress her cheek. Enjoying his touch, she leaned into his hand and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, he responded.
“Of course I am. I can’t remember ever being happier.”
His words earned him a generous smile and he continued before she could break his train of thought.
“Being with you has made me happier than I ever thought I deserved. You know about my years with the Dursleys, so you know what I mean when I say the beginning of our relationship felt dreamlike, like I was living someone else’s life... and once Tom was gone, being reunited with you made me feel like I was really alive for the first time... and I can still remember how my heart felt like it was going to burst the day we got married. And now... now we’re finally going to have the family I’ve always wanted... Every time I think I couldn’t be happier, you find a new way to make me feel like the luckiest man alive.”
Ginny’s eyes were now wet with emotion, although the tears were no longer of disappointment and sadness. She wrapped her arms around his neck and drowned him in a kiss full of passion... and love... and promises of even more joy in the future. A few blissful moments later, Ginny stood up from her husband’s embrace and sauntered back to their bedroom. Harry noticed a little extra sway to her hips, which brought his grin back in full force.
“It’s about time,” he repeated once more to himself, and followed his wife to bed.