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Murder in the bathroom by bluestraggler

reviews for Murder in the bathroom by bluestraggler

Monday 17th July 2006 20:58
Murder in the bathroom
I wish you had not chosen this anime style for this scene. It is such a serious and desperate moment and imo using this style makes it seem cartoonish like it came from a Playstation RPG. The expression on Harry's face is quite good, though. I just wish it were drawn in a more realistic style.

Monday 19th September 2005 20:56
Murder in the bathroom

Harry looks so innocent and so afraid! I feel like screaming that he didn't mean it even though no one but my mom would hear me(and probably think i'm nutz to).

Sunday 18th September 2005 23:45
Murder in the bathroom

well done, except one looks like Harry's 12 or something...hardly like a 16 year old imo.

otherwise, it looks great!!

Sunday 18th September 2005 21:48
Murder in the bathroom
I do so love that look you've gotten on his face... "What... the heck... just happened??" :) That is the best. He does seem a tad bit young for sixteen here, but I'll let it go. ;) :D Because it's just so lovely.

Sunday 18th September 2005 18:13
Murder in the bathroom
Harry looks a bit too young, and I don't think you quite captured the correct look, but the blood mingling with the water is masterfully done.

Sunday 18th September 2005 15:04
Murder in the bathroom
I love the way you did the blood on the floor. It's obvious that it's mixed with water.