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Bellatrix is evil by Makani

reviews for Bellatrix is evil by Makani

Thursday 2nd August 2007 12:25
Bellatrix is evil
This is too good. Honestly, I'm a tad scared that she's going to come for me in my sleep now...

Monday 3rd July 2006 01:52
Bellatrix is evil
Wouaaa. Eeeevil.

I absolutely love this picture.

Thursday 6th October 2005 11:36
Bellatrix is evil

Wow your work is so cool. This is brilliant!

Wednesday 28th September 2005 14:13
Bellatrix is evil
wow, amazingly evil picture 

This is great

Sunday 25th September 2005 19:07
Bellatrix is evil
I love how you portrayed Bellatrix! I can truly imagine her really looking that way! Good job in capturing her perfectly!

Sunday 25th September 2005 10:13
Bellatrix is evil
Oooh. Wow, this is fantastic! You really captured the feel of her. Although perhaps a bit more obviously insane? I dunno, you did a great job as is...

Sunday 25th September 2005 08:17
Bellatrix is evil
*shivers* The first thing that popped into my head was Cruella Devil.  Great work.

Saturday 24th September 2005 16:34
Bellatrix is evil
haha...very cute rendition of bellatrix...nicely done. 

Saturday 24th September 2005 14:38
Bellatrix is evil
Wow. I love this. She looks so menacing and you can even see the madness in her eyes. I love how she's twirling the red glow between her fingers, as if unafraid of the dark magic she's about to do.

Saturday 24th September 2005 12:44
Bellatrix is evil sinister. Yikes. She seems so out of her mind here. Wowl. You've def. captured the creepiness of her.

Saturday 24th September 2005 07:47
Bellatrix is evil
Yeah she looks pretty evil. Nice job. This is probably the most intricate piece of fanart I've seen. I love all the detail.