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Slip Away - Pansy by Nachan

reviews for Slip Away - Pansy by Nachan

Friday 8th June 2007 17:23
Slip Away - Pansy
I love this!!!

Wednesday 3rd May 2006 13:07
Slip Away - Pansy
I hate it

Saturday 29th April 2006 10:50
Slip Away - Pansy
I especially like the way you did the folds and creases in her clothes. Excellent job!

Friday 28th April 2006 16:50
Slip Away - Pansy
I like this. No one ever takes the time to draw Pansy, and I think she's a truly mysterious character. I like her hair and the expression on her face. Great job!

Thursday 27th April 2006 18:44
Slip Away - Pansy
Great drawing


Thursday 27th April 2006 16:00
Slip Away - Pansy
I love her short, choppy hair. Stylish, just like her.

Wednesday 26th April 2006 13:14
Slip Away - Pansy
Wow, this is really good! I like it!