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Schoolgirl Lily by mische

reviews for Schoolgirl Lily by mische

Tuesday 20th February 2007 10:49
Schoolgirl Lily
i might have said this but i really am reminded of a junior at my school. if this lily had blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing the exact same expression and everything else here, it would be ash...

Sunday 28th January 2007 18:10
Schoolgirl Lily
I like this. Her hair is really pretty, and I like her smile. Great job!

Sunday 28th January 2007 10:03
Schoolgirl Lily
I like this even though it is a little amateur. I like the way you did her hair.

Sunday 28th January 2007 09:48
Schoolgirl Lily
aww it's pretty! the face reminds me of one of my friends from my school. if her hair were blonde it would be a spitting image!!! lol i love it!!!