reviews for Lupin by Kaede Friday 26th December 2008 09:55 | Lupin | Why is this piece entitled Lupin when Lupin is not there? | Monday 29th October 2007 15:52 | Lupin | DUDE i want TEDDY! he's awesome! lol
Kat | Friday 14th September 2007 12:20 | Lupin | I love the style - this is great! | Thursday 13th September 2007 22:52 | Lupin | Haha right- forgot for a second there. Don't crucify me, please. =D. and I love Ted's shirt- very Tonkesque | Thursday 13th September 2007 22:51 | Lupin | Who is Victoire? And I like your style, it's unique. | Wednesday 12th September 2007 22:13 | Lupin | Wow...I love the style...it's so original!
Ha...love the green, too. =D