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Half-Blond Prince by AgiVega

reviews for Half-Blond Prince by AgiVega

Monday 23rd January 2012 23:12
Half-Blond Prince

Wednesday 23rd June 2010 15:18
Half-Blond Prince
Oh I can sooo see that on the book cover...

Saturday 24th April 2010 19:49
Half-Blond Prince
Love it
I laugh everytime

Sunday 4th April 2010 13:18
Half-Blond Prince
This work is just so funny to me. Because it works so well with title. The only thing that bothers me (though it doesn't bother me all that much) is that Lockheart was all blond and that he was in Harry's second year and not his fifth, but I suppose there was no way around that because this wouldn't work with "the chamber of secrets" so I guess that makes this work hilarious and totally awesome!

Sunday 23rd August 2009 05:27
Half-Blond Prince
what do you mean by half blonde?
isnt he completely blonde??

Wednesday 19th September 2007 18:50
Half-Blond Prince
lol. much better tilte

Saturday 4th August 2007 02:57
Half-Blond Prince

Tuesday 27th March 2007 18:16
Half-Blond Prince
Tee hee, *giggles* *giggles again* I'm not sure why, but I stared at this picture in confusion before i noticed the crossed out o and replaced n, then stared laughing.

Saturday 3rd March 2007 09:15
Half-Blond Prince
ha ha ha!m lol!!!great !!!!

Sunday 27th August 2006 12:21
Half-Blond Prince
Nice. He's a full blond, I thought? Hehe.

Friday 7th July 2006 14:32
Half-Blond Prince

Sunday 28th May 2006 10:59
Half-Blond Prince
I absolutly LOVE IT!!

Saturday 8th April 2006 21:16
Half-Blond Prince

This is the perfect parody of a book cover!

Wednesday 23rd November 2005 18:54
Half-Blond Prince


But isn't it blonde?

Ah nm then, still it is quite funny

Wednesday 23rd November 2005 18:53
Half-Blond Prince


But isn't it blonde?

Saturday 3rd September 2005 09:41
Half-Blond Prince
hahaha.realy funny.good job.

Wednesday 25th May 2005 07:38
Half-Blond Prince
That is too funny!  Great job and for anyone who checks, "blond" is right.  For a man, one would say "blond" and for a woman it is "blonde". 

Tuesday 3rd May 2005 16:14
Half-Blond Prince
I simply LOVED this! It took me a second to understand, me being stupid and all, but when I did, I totally loved it!!!

Wednesday 27th April 2005 08:47
Half-Blond Prince

Very funny, I didn't get it till just asec ago, because I think you spelled blonde (you said blond) wrong, I think, I'm awful at spelling.

but very good.  i'm still laughing


Wednesday 27th April 2005 08:47Author Response

Very funny, I didn't get it till just asec ago, because I think you spelled blonde (you said blond) wrong, I think, I'm awful at spelling.


I didn't spell it wrong. 'Blonde' is for females, 'Blond' (without an 'e' at the end) is for males. For Draco you couldn't write he's BLONDE, because he's BLOND. So is Gilderoy

Tuesday 19th October 2004 22:57
Half-Blond Prince
 Too cute!

Monday 27th September 2004 01:31
Half-Blond Prince

Ahh, this cracks me up! Who doesn't love that arrogant git? Well at least Lockheart has a mirror handy!  If he weren't so full of himself, maybe he'd actually take time to patent this title!     Honestly, this is so clever!



Thursday 5th August 2004 00:33
Half-Blond Prince
HAhah! Cute! An interesting twist on the title given for the sixth book.

Thursday 29th July 2004 06:03
Half-Blond Prince
Agi, This is hilarious! I love it!!

Monday 26th July 2004 13:03
Half-Blond Prince

Saturday 17th July 2004 14:29
Half-Blond Prince
Hee! Hillarious

Thursday 15th July 2004 19:25
Half-Blond Prince
Hilarious! Excellent humour to keep us going until the book comes out. Bravo.