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First Task by Misaki Mitaka

reviews for First Task by Misaki Mitaka

Wednesday 24th November 2004 22:15
First Task
Great drangon, and I love how the red cape is. Awesome art

Saturday 23rd October 2004 18:27
First Task
I love the way Harry looks so young in this; it really plays up that he shouldn't have been in the Tournament at all.  He's so pretty when he's being valiant ^^

Nice trick with making the blood from his shoulder blend with his cape...

Thursday 21st October 2004 22:35
First Task
SOOOOOOOOO COOL! Wow. This is really fantastic. Is there anyway I can get it to save as a background? If you're against that, it's fine, but I just wondered. Wow. :) Keep up the awsome work!