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"That's what's causing all the mist" by Capramagus

reviews for "That's what's causing all the mist" by Capramagus

Thursday 24th June 2010 10:42
"That's what's causing all the mist"
It looks like Voldemorte and his twin making out

Saturday 24th November 2007 18:48
"That's what's causing all the mist"
lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's hilarious. and creepy. lol.

Monday 25th December 2006 15:14
"That's what's causing all the mist"
OH GRODY JODY! Sorry to toss out the same word as everybody else, but that really is quite a disturbing image. I love that you've undertaken to depict that line from the book. When I read that I remember thinking, "How in the WORLD do Dementors breed?!" Well, there we have it now! Strictly artistically speaking, it is very well done--beautiful. But it is verrrrry creepy!

Thursday 16th November 2006 11:45
"That's what's causing all the mist"
Wow... your drawing is incredible! Very disturbing... but now I have the urge to write an odd dementor/dementor smut.

Monday 31st July 2006 18:45
"That's what's causing all the mist"
That is very disturbing.

Monday 3rd April 2006 07:21
"That's what's causing all the mist"
Urghh! this is disturbing.

no offense, but you got that done too, too well.

Friday 11th November 2005 16:28
"That's what's causing all the mist"

Thursday 6th October 2005 12:20
"That's what's causing all the mist"
Ewww! Cool pic but very disturbing he he

Saturday 3rd September 2005 17:45
"That's what's causing all the mist"
wow everyone on the review page has been scarred for life... i hope your happy.. evil genious

Saturday 3rd September 2005 17:44
"That's what's causing all the mist"

ewww dementor snog... lets just hope they dont get to dementor sh.. oops sorry mum

Saturday 30th July 2005 07:59
"That's what's causing all the mist"
All I have to say is "ewwww"

Not against your drawing! It's very good. The thought of those dementors actually mating hits my gag reflex. LOL.

Saturday 30th July 2005 06:39
"That's what's causing all the mist"
Scary.  Very scary.  You've left me mentally scared for the rest of my life now.  LOL

Mentally scared or mentally scarred or both? (This is a genuine question. No offence intended.)

Friday 29th July 2005 22:43
"That's what's causing all the mist"
I'm going to have horribly smutty/angsty nightmares about Dementor breeding now. 

You must have done a good job then ^_^

Friday 29th July 2005 07:44
"That's what's causing all the mist"
Oh. Oh, oh, oh. That's vile. And repulsive. Scarred. For. Life.

Friday 29th July 2005 05:51
"That's what's causing all the mist"
Scary.  Very scary.  You've left me mentally scared for the rest of my life now.  LOL

Friday 29th July 2005 02:08
"That's what's causing all the mist"
That's an interesting take on the mating thing. Great job! The picture and the mist looks fantastic!

Thursday 28th July 2005 23:17
"That's what's causing all the mist"
Um I don't understand
Thursday 28th July 2005 23:17Author Response
Um I don't understand
Don't worry, you're not stupid. The idea is: Dementors breeding causes mist, so we were wondering what exactly does dementor breeding entail? So we came up with dementors snogging.

Thursday 28th July 2005 23:11
"That's what's causing all the mist"
Whoa, I don't remember that line! Where was it in the book again? Great art though!

Thursday 28th July 2005 22:35
"That's what's causing all the mist"


But, on the whole, the pic is great.

Thursday 28th July 2005 22:11
"That's what's causing all the mist"
Eewww! Creepy!

Thursday 28th July 2005 18:24
"That's what's causing all the mist"
eew that is gross.

Thursday 28th July 2005 17:03
"That's what's causing all the mist"
LOL, yeah, this line puzzled me a lot too... wonder how dementors make babies ;)